EU Solar Installations Set to Break Records in 2024


  1. The EU is poised for a record-breaking year in solar system installations, with leading markets having already exceeded their 2023 records. According to a recent analysis by the think tank Ember, strong growth has continued through the first seven months of the year, with positive forecasts for a robust finish to 2024, as reported by the Monetel agency.

  2. Nice. Now can we make use of them or is this stuff just good for green propaganda? Is it too much to ask?

    Bunch of clowns.

  3. iRedditAlreadyyy on

    I have two small solar panels hanging on my apartment balcony that charge various electronics and battery packs for us. Very useful if the power goes out and honestly it’s cool to be sitting on Reddit on my laptop powered by the sun.

    I wish the United States had more solar. Especially urban solar.