Trump Rages at Female Voters in Epic Rants Amid Sudden New Poll Drop


  1. Well, then what? Seniors are now going against him. People in his own age group.

    That will NOT go over well with Trump. Like at all.

  2. Antisocial-sKills on

    Trump sounds like an abusive rageaholic Ex whose fragile ego can’t handle his loss of control over women.

  3. sorospaidmetosaythis on

    Go get ’em, Grandpa Ranty – that’ll show all those women voters! Bet they’ll be sorry they doubted you, and come crawling back.

  4. IPA__________Fanatic on

    He’s a fucking creep. Claims he has to be the protector of women after removing rights from them and sexually assaulting one.

  5. Necessary_Chip9934 on

    We’re done listening to your voice, Don, and we don’t like you.

    We’re not going back.

    Harris-Walz 2024

  6. whatlineisitanyway on

    I really hope that even more women plan to vote for Harris, but can’t say so in front of their husbands. With more women than men voting Trump would need to win men by an even larger margin to have a chance.. I wouldn’t count on the young men he has been courting to actually show up and vote.

  7. Women your vote is private when you are in the voting booth. Vote Harris/Walz for your freedom and for democracy.

  8. TFG and his MAGAs are domestic terrorists and abusers. Leaving this very unhealthy and unsafe relationship is dangerous-for the abused (the US, the Constitution, our democracy & the world at large). We need to fight for our lives and voting blue is the only way to succeed

  9. Looks like someone told Fat Joffrey what some of us have been saying all along.

    Women are going to kick this bum out of the public eye for good.

    Hey conservative guy reading this. Your wife is just telling you whatever keeps your blood pressure down and she’s going to vote for Harris on election day.

  10. Logical_Basket1714 on

    That’s the way to woo the women vote; yell at them and insult them. That should be almost as effective as telling the Jews that he’ll blame them if he loses.

    How is he even polling in the double digits at this point?

  11. Immediate-Speaker616 on

    He is trying to bully women as he did in the 50s but women aren’t going to take that crap now.

  12. Any moment it will be the Bitter, Childless, Single (or divorced), cat-owning, pet-eating, Jewish, Lesbian (or LGBTQ+), pants-wearing, Women voters. The one’s who claim they cannot afford (or refuse to buy) car seats for kids.

    Tariffs will fix this!


  13. zero_blammos_given on

    You mean telling women that “they won’t think about abortion any longer” didn’t give him a bump in the polls?

  14. brain_overclocked on

    To the women at Trump’s rallies: his criticisms of women are not just aimed at Kamala, they’re aimed at *you* too.

  15. ThickerSalmon14 on

    I’m honestly surprised that the gap isn’t bigger. While I understand some women will vote GOP, I can’t help but think that in the privacy of the voting both, women might end up supporting Harris in greater numbers.

  16. Good Donald, keep insulting over half of the voting population. That’s going to go GREAT for you. Keep it up!

  17. Pitiful-Opposite3714 on

    If GOP wins, women can kiss the right to vote goodbye. If they lose, prepare for your right to vote to be challenged.