Pirate library must pay publishers $30M, but no one knows who runs it



  1. Share copyrighted content: massive fines or jail

    Scrape copyrighted content to train an algorithm: multi-$Billion valuation

  2. Piracy was at its lowest when there was only Netflix in the market. As the streaming services splintered into dozens of option piracy is back. Music has figured this out with a very solid choices of options at very affordable prices.

  3. Kind of makes one realize real libraries are legitimate institutions sanctioned by copyright laws 

  4. “Under the injunction, not only is Libgen banned from sharing copyrighted content, but so are “all those in active concert or participation with” anyone connected to Libgen. The order forbids anyone from hosting Libgen, registering Libgen domains, or providing cloud storage, file-sharing, or advertising services, among other restrictions. Even using tools to display links or enabling browser extensions linking to Libgen is forbidden under the order.”

    Lol. I hope LibGen responds with a massive FU by te uploading elsewhere.

  5. Why won’t anybody ever think about the shareholders? Fuck corporations re releasing the same game every year and then trying to tell me something that I am buying I don’t even own in the first place. This whole I’m supposed to feel bad for the people fucking me every day is getting old