Ishiba plans new Cabinet, key LDP posts The new president of Japan’s main ruling Liberal Democratic Party Ishiba Shigeru is deciding the lineup of his incoming administration. The LDP will officially announce the new party executives on Monday.

Former Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide is set to become the LDP’s vice-president.

Ishiba plans to appoint General Council Chairperson Moriyama Hiroshi as secretary-general, and Finance Minister Suzuki Shunichi as chairperson of the General Council.

Former Defense Minister Onodera Itsunori is likely to be appointed chairperson of the Policy Research Council. Ishiba plans to choose former Environment Minister Koizumi Shinjiro as chairperson of the Election Strategy Committee.

And LDP Vice-President Aso Taro is set to become the party’s top advisor.

As for Cabinet posts, Ishiba intends to tap former Defense Minister Iwaya Takeshi as foreign minister, and former Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato Katsunobu as finance minister.

Former Defense Minister Nakatani Gen is likely to return to the post. Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi Yoshimasa is set to retain his portfolio.

Sources told NHK that Economic Security Minister Takaichi Sanae was asked to take the post of General Council Chairperson, but she firmly declined the offer. She was defeated by Ishiba in the runoff vote.

Ishiba will form his new cabinet after being elected as Japan’s 102nd Prime Minister in both Chambers of the Diet on Tuesday.

Ishiba is making final arrangements to dissolve the Lower House on October 9. Official campaigning for the general election will likely begin on October 15 and voting is likely to take place on October 27.

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