I generally don’t collect them, but this one was found miles away from houses, and it’s tiny, I wouldn’t have a clear conscience if I didn’t try to save the animal. I didn’t see "brothers" or anything when I looked, it seems to me that maybe he was evicted.

I can’t keep him because I already have 3 big cats in an apartment (that’s too much), and 2 with health problems, so this one, as he’s small, maybe someone would want him.


Photo: https://i.imgur.com/ogY0rCl.jpeg
Photo with an adult cat for comparison: https://i.imgur.com/orJOF0H.jpeg


About the kitten (what I know after 2 days of fostering):

  • Very small, but eats normal food (both dry and wet), drinks water, eliminates normal needs. Knows how to use a litter box. I didn’t wash it, I found it clean and it knows how to wash.
  • Very sweet, just tell him he’ll make cookies and purr.
  • He didn’t meow, which surprised me (he knows, but it’s so rare and so low…)
  • Soon after the first night I woke up with him sleeping on top of me (my cats weren’t happy), he’s affectionate.

If anyone is interested (or knows someone who is):

I’ve never done this, but AMP, Santa Maria da Feira (where I’m from), Sao João da Madeira, I can take it. And I can help with anything starting (there you go, I already have 3).

What I’ve done so far is contacted everyone I know who takes care of colonies or likes cats, but it’s difficult to find one all of a sudden, and I can’t afford one more. I wanted to avoid hostel associations so as not to overwhelm, and because I didn’t want the kitten to have treatment other than living.

I don’t use Facebook so I haven’t tried the groups, but I’ve asked anyone who does to post there.


If anyone knows anything (or wants this little ball, and I really wanted to but I can’t), say something.

Gatinho pequenino encontrado na AMP no meio de nenhures. Alguém sabe quem queira um?
byu/DanielRoderick inportugal

Posted by DanielRoderick


  1. Espero que consigas arranjar dono.

    Se não conseguires, e pelo que leio nas entrelinha, também não vais conseguir deixar o bicho no mesmo sitio onde o encontraste por isso… parabens? Tens um novo gato?

  2. Parabéns. Acabaste de ser selecionado pelo sistema aleatório de distribuição de gatos😅

  3. barbeirolavrador on

    >Logo depois da primeira noite acordei com ele a dormir em cima de mim

    Acho que já está decidido