Israel strikes Yemen’s Hodeidah – reports


  1. The Houthis have been firing rockets at Israel for months. I don’t get their strategy. Israel is stronger and already destroyed their port once.

    Maybe Iran’s paying them too much, or their proxies are making dumb moves, but something feels off.

    Hezbollah, Yemen, Iran—bring it on. Just don’t cry to the UN when Israel takes out your leaders

    edit: changed from Yemenis to Houthis.

  2. Ah yes, the classic:

    Step 1 – fuck around.

    Step 2 – find out.

    Step 3 – regret everything.

    It’s a tale as old as time.

  3. ThemosttrustedFries on

    1 small country manage to destroy 2 of the biggest T organizations in the world within 1 year that’s amazing

  4. Of course is Iran behind Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthi’s. They want some trouble in the middel east for their gains in the global fight. The people around the puppets of Iran pay the price in blood. They already succeeded in driving Saudi Arabië away from Israël.

  5. StatisticianFair930 on

    I have seen the Big Lebowski and I was under the impression weekends were the Jewish time of rest.  

    Israel are going full on Captain Kirk at the minute. 

  6. In one afternoon Israel struck in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. At which point are they going to figure out the Israelis are pissed and you should stop fucking with them… 🤔

  7. Alternative_Win_6629 on

    The Houthies are a bunch of ignorant desert hillbillies playing with weapons they don’t understand, where is the expectation of high level military skills coming from? Idiots playing a game they don’t know much about, they’re going to pay the price of believing some higher being is on their side. The sooner the better. So sick of the world at large capitulating to this shit.

  8. AyanoGod_Glazer on

    Hell yeah first destroyed Hezbollah and now Houthis

    Israel wiping terrorism off the fuckin planet

  9. Hey, wait, this isn’t fair! Nobody told us that firing missiles at another country might have consequences!

  10. If the leaders of Iranian Regime wasn’t shitting bricks until now – I’m sure they’re building bunkers with all the bricks they shat past few days.

    Israelis decided to do that side quest that usually gets skipped today too.

  11. No_Somewhere_8744 on

    The greatest thing is f around and found out. Israel was supposed to broker an alliance with Saudi and Egypt, Jordan, etc was to follow suit. It got attacked and is taking care of all the terrorists. Hopefully more of the terrorists are taken care of and peace follows suit, and we take our attention to Russia.

  12. If you’ve crippled 2 terrorist organisations that exist just to cause your destruction, then there’s no harm in going for a hat trick, I guess?