HP ink cartridge DRM bypass demonstrated using physical man-in-the-middle-attack



  1. Just get a laser printer, dammit. There are even color laser printers if you need it.

    And if you only need a printer to, for example, print photos once once in a while, you might as well have a print shop handle it because you’d probably have to replace the dried-up unused ink cartridges.

    Anyone who needs an inkjet printer to regularly print high-quality photos shouldn’t be using some cheap-ass HP anyway.

  2. independent_observe on

    It has been years since I bought a HP printer. They started screwing customers long before the ink DRM.

    Brother makes superior laser printers. I have had a Brother laser printer for 8 years and all I have had to do was replace the toner once.

  3. Except HP putting RFID chips in their printer ink is exactly the sort of thing that would make a printer hack-able in the first place.

  4. “We wrote the software so poorly that when we tested it, we found that we could manage to infil a network and exfil data through malicious code on a cartridge. We’d love to let anyone make cartridges, but it’s just too dangerous!” – HP engineering VP, probably

  5. I like HP computers but they wont get a dime from me on anything else because of this printer BS. Their CEO said I wasn’t the kind of customer they want, so I decided I’m not gonna be a customer.

  6. My printer is 20+years old and I keep a loaded gun next to it in case it makes any sounds I don’t recognize.