Ukraine says it struck Russian ammo depot storing Iranian missiles


  1. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 57%. (I’m a bot)
    > Ukraine has struck an ammunitions depot in Russia's southwestern Volgograd region believed to be a storage site for Iranian ballistic missiles, Ukrainian military authorities claimed on Sunday.

    > Ukraine's Militarnyi website said the site in the village of Kotluban was hit by an overnight drone attack and that the strike had been confirmed by Russian media.

    > Militarnyi cited locals as saying the depot, situated around 300 kilometers from the Ukrainian border, had been in use since the start of Russia's war in Ukraine and was a priority target for Kyiv.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694473 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Russia**^#1 **Ukraine**^#2 **site**^#3 **Missile**^#4 **hit**^#5

  2. Keep taking them out and the fight to Putin’s door. While you’re at it take out his billion dollar private resort!

  3. Logical_Welder3467 on

    Ukraine most likely never expect these depot to be so vulnerable until they hit the first one

  4. Left-Combination1481 on

    The facility could hold up to 30,000 tons of ammunition and is still exploding more than 2 hours later.

  5. Cindy_lady_of_the_ni on

    Russia puts on great fireworks shows for it citizens , very impressive I know they get help from Ukraine but it’s pretty spectacular

  6. Cindy_lady_of_the_ni on

    When this war is over, the Russian people will have to face four realities their master is hiding from them:

    * the amount of destruction and decay in their society caused by the war,
    * the horror of the crimes committed by the troops in Ukraine,
    * the number of deads and casualties among the Russian troops and…
    * the fantastic amount of hatred against anything Russian from many countries around the world that will last for decades.

  7. With Russia losing so many ammo depots I am starting to get a little afraid that Russia will learn more from Iran than just how their missiles work… like how to store them.

    Really wouldn’t like to see Russia putting their ammo depots into/below residential areas like the other places Iran sends it’s missiles to. And then using the civilians that die from the ammo explosions as propaganda to galvanize their people and erode western support for Ukraine.

  8. Crazy how much chaos a 3rd world country like iran can make. Disrupting shipping by using the Houthis, attacking Israel by its proxies(Hezbollah, Hamas) and providing weapons to Russia in its war with Ukraine.

  9. FuTuReShOcKeD60 on

    Iran was Persia in the way back when. Technically, the west has been at war with Persia for millenia. The west always wins.

  10. TheLastManicorn on

    I wonder if any of the billions of dollars in recent aid to Israel had any strings attached (intelligence) that eventually ended up helping Ukraine locate these targets🧐