Government appears to have violated House powers, Speaker rules


  1. I’m anxious to see where this goes. It took forever to get the Lab docs that went the same way, but we finally got them. Perhaps we’ll get a prorogued Parliament, so they cannot be released OR more likely delay, delay, delay until the next election.

  2. >Fergus’s ruling was celebrated by opposition parties, whereas government House leader Karina Gould said it set a “terrible precedent.”

    Setting the precedent that this guy isn’t just an unofficial extension of the Liberal party is the actual terrible precedent she’s worried about.

  3. Interesting-Sun5706 on

    Leave Fergus alone.

    The man is having fun with a little smirk on his face

    Parliament Hill is a circus now

    Are they going to release the names of the MPs who conspired with foreign actors so we can vote them out.

  4. I think the biggest problem is that the existing rules are being abused and some parts of the Government seem to think that justifies ignoring them.

    The unfortunate precedent is that there are new rules, unspoken, undocumented, and outside the rule of law or democratic accountability.

    All parties are responsible for this unfortunate state of affairs. The Liberals need to stop doing endruns around laws they find inconvenient or embarrassing, but the Conservatives need to stop trying to burn everything down with procedural games.

  5. Would not be surprised if Mr Trudeau peruques parliament before the end of October to stay clear of the Block Québécois motion on pensions, he has done it before to steer clear of things