The weet-bix recipes page has some… interesting ideas


  1. Serving Marmite on Weet Bix should be a bootable offence! Straight back to Pommy land where you belong you uncultured swine!

    Also unless I’m going crazy, I see zero mention of where the Weet Bix is in the 3rd one. Unless I’m supposed to crush up Weet Bix and put them in my lentil risotto?

  2. Does anyone eat dry weet-bix?

    The thought of eating something dryer than Pauline Hansons panties makes me cringe.

  3. At great grandmas house the treat was weetbix split in half, jam and powered milk, and for a real special treat we got condensed milk.

  4. Growing up a weetbix with Vegemite and butter was known as a truckie sandwich. Never heard of grilling cheese with it though.

  5. I can feel the moisture being drained from my mouth just looking at those. Your whole head would just invert.

  6. TheFlyingRedFox on

    You know what, the last one seems like the most passable as a normal item but the first one??? an the second is idk.

  7. Over a decade ago when I was a poor uni student and had run out of milk and money for the week I’d use Weetbix as bread for something to eat.

    Jam, peanut butter, vegemite… whatever was left. I believe that people make this stuff.