Jeff Flake endorses Kamala Harris for president: ‘I know of her character’


  1. Thank you to all Republicans who cross party lines to support loyalty to country over party. Trump is a threat to our way of life. J6 proved that, and the hateful rhetoric he spews daily reinforces that.

  2. I went to a talk of his that was hosted in Perth, Australia (my home town). He was there at the invitation of the State Governor, Kim Beasley who is regarded fairly well in Australia.

    I find him… underwhelming. He did not really put forth any meaningful opinions on topics discussed and when it came to Trump (this was during Trump’s term) he merely said “please stick with us” (this was also in the context of US / AU relations). He made no real attempt at putting forth his view on “the Trump phenomenon”.

  3. Jeff Flake… Is that the asshole that called for a fake investigation to provide cover so a rapist could get on the supreme court and end roe v wade?

  4. AverageLiberalJoe on

    Jeff Flake was the guy who was supposed to stop trump while he was still in office and waited till he retired to do or day anything. Republicans are the weakest form of an American.

  5. Who the fuck is voting for character out here? This has been the most cut and dry election I can remember. 

    Vote Kamala if you like how the country is now, vote Trump if you preferred the country under Trump. What else is there to discuss?

  6. Is this the conservative reset so many have been hoping for? Will they take back their party and spin MAGA off or crumble under the backlash from the new right?

    Not a huge fan of republicans but hope they can finally get their shit together and be reasonable and boring again.

    I miss boring politics.