Today’s story:
I lived in a new block of flats, which was built next to a plot of land with a vacant lot, which was walled up with these white blocks that I noticed that someone had recently knocked out.
Since I’m one of the first people in this investment to live here, and people keep drilling me every day, I came to the conclusion that someone must have taken a wild guess and was stealing the poor guy’s money, and he’s probably not even aware of it, so like the model citizen that I am, I immediately took out my phone and called 112 to report that my neighbor was being robbed, because I can’t climb over that damn high fence and unfasten it, because it’s a burglary and on top of that, I’m only five feet tall, so I’m barricaded. effectively stops it.
So the next logical step was to get on my bike and go to the frog to buy some rolls for breakfast, proud of myself that I had fulfilled my civic duty and helped someone.
Yeah! Such a s**t!
Coming back out of curiosity, I rang the bell to this apartment and surprisingly someone came out, a very nice gentleman told me that it was his cable and thanked me for my concern,
and at that moment I hear the police siren at the barrier. I honestly didn’t expect them to come and I have to explain to my neighbor like an idiot that I called them because instead of making sure first, I immediately called the emergency services.
And all this would still be normal, if not for the fact that the 112 operator, when I talked to him, asked if I had tried to call the apartment and inform the neighbor that someone had connected to him, which I did not do, but I mistakenly assured the operator that the apartment must be empty, because barely anyone lives in this block.
So the police come up, two tall gentlemen, very nice, and ask me if I saw that there is a Tesla there, connected to the charger. Well, how was I supposed to see it? I’m only one meter seventy and I can’t see that high, and approaching from the other side would require me to walk around the estate for a good 10 minutes.
Eventually, we explained the situation, I felt ashamed, and to make things more fun, my neighbor has his first apartment in a staircase, which I will have to walk past every time, knowing that I sent the police on him.
The moral of this story is: make sure you call the police properly, because then you may have to look into your neighbor’s eyes knowing what you did.
Posted by FenusToBe
Gdybym był tym sąsiadem, podziękowałbym Ci za troskę i miał o Tobie pozytywne zdanie. Jeśli jest to człowiek rozumny to zyskałeś, musisz tylko poradzić sobie ze wstydem i dumą, ona powinna przejść z czasem.
XDDDDD another day another slay
Dobrze zrobiłeś mordeczko, jakbym był tym sąsiadem to bym zbił żółwika i szanował za troskę o otoczenie.
z tego co mowisz to sąsiad nie jest obrażony, teraz się pewnie tylko po cichu troche smieje ale chyba nie ma ci za złe.
Morał z tej historii jest taki, że masz kompleks na punkcie wzrostu, bo dwa razy o nim wspominasz a pierwsza rzecz na którą zwracasz uwagę u policjantów to że wysocy 😅
Dlaczego Debile?
słuchaj niziołku, za bardzo się tym wszystkim przejmujesz. Dlaczego masz sie palić ze wstydu skoro chciałeś temu sąsiadowi pomóc.
JesteÅ› dziwny, ale tacy podobno sÄ… hobbici.
Jak czujesz siÄ™ ‘źle’ to podskocz do niego z czekoladÄ… w ramach przeprosin i pogadajcie sobie, może akurat fajny czÅ‚owieczyna i bÄ™dzie do kogo przyjść po sól jak siÄ™ skoÅ„czy (i przy okazji pogadać przy meczu czy czymÅ› takim) 😛
Twoim podstawowym błędem było dbanie o somsiada złodzieja