Protesters call for UK to rejoin European Union


  1. Left-Combination1481 on

    At the risk of putting on my tinfoil hat – there is absolutely no mention of this on the BBC, or Sky News or any of the major British news sites. I was there today and there were a good few thousand people there, and yet, little to no media coverage?

  2. Apprehensive_Sleep_4 on

    Uhh tbh that won’t happen immediately. There a lot of issues that the UK needs to solve like the economy that was wrecked by the Tories.

  3. I always see comments about why we (they) should ban Hungary from the EU and now never let in the UK ever. I must tell you one thing: The country is not equal with its dumb fuck politics and oligarchs. Sometimes shit happens, but hating on a nation is stupid.

  4. Sure. The only thing is, there’s a 20 year wait, and there’s a whole bunch of countries ahead of you on the list.

    We just have to make sure you are the right fit for Europe.

    I see you have a bit of a police state there, and was that a bit of ethnic cleansing you tried recently. We will have to work on that, wont we.

    I can pencil in a check up with your case worker in 2045, just to see how you are getting on.

    Chin up, you’ll be back in, in no time.

  5. Precious_Cassandra on

    We don’t want that country anymore… They’re culturally toxic due to Russian influence operations and no longer reflect European values. Stay out.