A Bala Cynwyd woman got a fake letter notifying her she’d have to house migrants under a nonexistent Biden-Harris program



  1. Republicans can’t win in a free and fair election so they resort to illegal tricks like voter intimidation.

  2. Infamous-Sky-1874 on

    Before I clicked on the article I was like “Why are Republicans sending fake notifications to a town in Wales?”

  3. townshiprebellion24 on

    Shit is going to get real wild leading up to the election. Republican fuckery has already started.

  4. HallucinogenicFish on

    For people who like to scream about election integrity and cheating, they sure do a lot of cheating.

  5. If the originator of these letters could be found it should be cause for a huge lawsuit or investigation. Come to think of it, there needs tube investigations and huge media call outs now!

  6. DownwardSpirals on

    I wish someone would go to his rally, sit behind him where the cameras can see, and sharpie “BE A DECENT PERSON” over their sign and hold it up. See how fast that person gets removed or attacked.

  7. DiarrheaMonkey- on

    And the woman has spent decades working to support the process of resettling immigrants! This truly is a dark and ridiculous timeline in which we find ourselves. I guess all it takes is one orange, blackmailed egomaniac, and centuries of progress go down the drain.

  8. manwhowasnthere on

    All the GOP has this election is ooga booga the immigrants are coming for your jobs and daughters! Watch out, there’s one right behind you!!

  9. thingsmybosscantsee on

    Jacob Wohl, is that you?

    But seriously, this is mail fraud, and the Postmaster General is not an office I would fuck with.

  10. That is incredibly disturbing and creepy. What creeps me out about it is that it’s not meant to be a joke/sarcasm/parody… it’s an attempt to trick people into thinking they got a real letter. The person took the time to make the letter seem real. Someone may actually fall for this and get scared. Whoever is behind this is a seriously messed up person. Hopefully they get caught soon.

  11. It’s embarrassing how pathetic these people are, especially since many of them are our family and friends. 

  12. >written into Law by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

    Whoever made this really needs to watch some Schoolhouse Rock…

  13. Republicans can’t win honestly, so they cheat cheat and cheat. To me, only losers have to cheat to win.

  14. DreamsAndSchemes on

    If anyone is confused how to pronounce it, kinda like this

    Bal (like the first syllable of Ballet)-uh Kin-wood

  15. This was reported on one of the miedas touch bunch. The wording was funky, something about her property had been surveyed and she had space for like 5 people.

    Stupid, moronic dipshits. Though if i had space, i would be willing to help.

  16. Seriously, isn’t there a law against spreading malicious lies about a political opponent or people in general.

  17. Hope they thoroughly investigate and find whose responsible so they can prosecute. That’s cut and dry fraud and impersonating the federal government.

  18. I refuse to believe that “Bala Cynwyd” isn’t the name of a Star Wars and/or Lord of the Rings character

  19. No, but seriously, how is this legal?
    Like are false flag ops just standard prosecute now? Even if the one side has the integrity of a dumpster fire, shouldn’t there have been safeguards from this level of absolute bullshit?

  20. Just remember, not all of us “boomers” are and act that way! Most of us born in the late 50s on should not be lumped in with that generally grumpy and racist demographic.