The U.S. Lost the Battery Race to China. Can It Make a Comeback?


  1. No, because China doesn’t have democracy. American companies will usually outsource to China regardless of American laws, or license it out, and even then their state can just order their cyber corps to steal our technology regardless. Then the state industrial board can order state construction firms to begin building the factories, the state labor board to provide it with workers (freemen, slaves, whatever’s needed) while the state automobile agency mandates it in all cars. Whereas, western capitalism is based on real estate.

    Go figure the US already lost the commercial nuclear race to China *and* Russia. A majority of voters don’t want to win. Just ask Trump.

  2. If it changes antitrust, IP, and copyright doctrine sufficiently enough to encourage a robust marketplace of companies and ideas, fo sho!


  3. As if they were leading. Japan and Korea were ahead and the US is still nowhere to be found.

    Even most of these plants being made are planned joint ventures with LG, Panasonic, Samsung, or Chinese firms.

  4. Lauren Boebert will complain about green energy gains in China while voting against green energy in the USA.

  5. I can’t care less about the US making any comeback. I just want to live in a Europe that isn’t constantly threatened by American extreme Capitalism, Chinese unscalable underbidding and Russian oligarchy. I never thought I’d find bureaucracy so fucking sexy, but here I am.


    Sent from my iPhone with a USB-C port.

  6. Don’t worry, if the orange assclown gets in losing the battery race will be the least of your worries!!

  7. If the Chinese are that far ahead then why don’t we steal their technology the same way they steal ours?

  8. As it is right now, China has completely manhandled lithium supply around the globe. There is no way for US to reach china unless the Mines in Nebraska are operating soon

  9. Adventurous_Oil_5805 on

    It’s impossible for the US to make a comeback in numerous areas of modern technology as long as the fossil fuel industry continues it’s stranglehold on our government. Not to mention, prior to supply side economics and massive tax cuts to the rich, our nation could afford great things including significant pure research.
    So if we want to return to those times we need to return to FDRism which in today’s parlance would be Democratic socialism or higher taxes on the rich and more control over what corporations can get away with and massive investments in working people.
    But that’s not going to happen because Republicans, who have damaged American greatness, aren’t going to be decimated in the next election so that’s that.

  10. I’m sure all the protectionism they’re enacting will make them world leaders in battery tech in no time.