U.S. Navy boss wants ship fixes, robots ahead of potential China fight



  1. From the article

    >”The Chairman of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has told his forces to be ready for war by 2027 — we will be more ready,” Franchetti writes in the plan.

    >”We have seen breakthroughs in battlefield innovation over the last two years, with profound implications for the changing character of war.”

    >Franchetti cites the Black Sea, where [Ukrainians](https://www.axios.com/2024/09/04/ukraine-russia-palianytsia-drone) are sinking priceless Russian ships with souped-up jet skis.

    >A previous Navigation Plan pitched a hybrid fleet, with 373 manned ships collaborating with 150 uncrewed vessels.

  2. In the past I wouldn’t have worried so much as China’s carrier experience is decades behind America’s. Drones change the equation though. Seeing Ukraine use a drone to airdrop that dog drone is a reminder that the rules have changed.