Trump says Harris was born ‘mentally impaired’ and complains about small rally venue


  1. So much projection. Harris smoked Trump in the debate. So, he’s basically saying he got his ass kicked by a mentally impaired person — what is that saying about him?

  2. GordonShumway257 on

    Trump isn’t qualified to be a Walmart door greeter. The people who support him are the absolute worst group of Americans in the history of the country.

  3. ranchoparksteve on

    Wow, so Trump admits to getting destroyed by somebody born mentally impaired. Why would Trump thinks that makes him look good?

  4. Trump is all sorts of demented man walking. He’s just pulling shit out of his ass and flinging it at Harris. Trump is behaving like a mad monkey.

  5. MAGA eat this up, just say anything and they’ll believe you, because they can’t handle the truth

  6. Why would anyone want a President who constantly denigrates and attacks people like he does? Why would they want a President who whines about his inauguration size, about his crowd sizes, about anything and everything that upsets him. Even after he won his Presidential campaign he STILL complained endlessly, good lord do you remember how freaking *annoying* he was??

    I want a stable President to represent our nation on the global stage, one who brings respect and dignity to the table instead of insults and childish tirades.

  7. In the megathread, someone posted a picture from the venue. It looked like maybe 100 people. He said it was 1-2k, and then they said there were maybe 100-200 people outside and he suggested it was 50-60k outside.

  8. I’m so fucking exhausted by his bullshit and all of these maga assholes….going on a decade of this country being polluted by this smooth brained, racist, raping, criminal, the spineless simps who bend the knee and his hate-filled ignorant cult. please goddess just make it stop.
    (edit for misspelling)

  9. I’m so ready for this to be behind us. To never hear from this old racist fcker again. He almost single handedly ruined politics and most certainly has turned his party into a clown show. The whole maga movement bringing out the most unintelligent people has been entertaining but my god it’s the worst of society. Uneducated movements are scary.

  10. You got your ass kicked in a debate by a mentally impaired person? What does that say for you? What a fucking imbecile.

  11. welltimedappearance on

    if you haven’t been paying attention, he’s REALLY bothered by the dig at the debate about his crowd size and people leaving early. he’s been crying about it at almost every rally since then

  12. Funny he says that about Harris, when you look at pics of young child Trump, you can see there was something wrong with him, maybe he was the one born mentally impaired?

  13. I watched his “speech” Lowest energy I’ve ever seen him. Looked like hell too. Highlight was a fly buzzing him, undoubtedly attracted by the bull shit he was spewing

  14. Trump says climate change is a “hoax”. Because he’s an idiot.

    Trump says Vladimir Putin is a “genius”. Because he’s a traitor.

    Trump says there’s too much “big water” between the continental US to help Puerto Rico after a hurricane strike. Because he’s a racist.

    Trump says he personally declassified those top-secret documents. And he said the FBI “planted” those same documents. Because he’s a genuine threat to national security.

  15. He knows his own dementia symptoms are increasing, and he’s projecting just like he’s done his entire life. He inherited it from his dad and somewhere he knows it.

    He did the same thing to Biden. He did the same thing to previous business competitors. He’ll do it to anyone he considers a threat in the future.

  16. The creepy idiot complained about his indoor rally space only holding 2,000 people?

    There are plenty of indoor venues that can hold 10,000, 14,000 people. Your handlers realized demand for your rally was puny again, so they booked the appropriate venue. 2,000, what a disaster Trump’s rallies have become. Then he fantasized about “40,000 people having to wait outside”.

    What a liar, what a tool.

  17. “Mentally impaired” ??? Then why won’t he debate her? Trump is throwing any sort of shit against the wall because he’s so damned desperate. He’s a pathetic little coward.

  18. at_least_u_tried on

    undecided voters: “you know, he brings up a good point. i’ll have to think this through🤔”