Elon Musk removing block & mute from Twitter so he can blast you with Russian propaganda 🤷



  1. there_was_no_god on

    hey news agencies… you are as much of the problem as he is. stop using it.

    you friggin morons. it’s not rocket science (no pun intended). you are directing users to log into a site you are complaining about.

  2. Interesting article in WSJ about Elon and Mars. Said he would like to build 1000 Starships a year. Fastest they build a Liberty ship in WWII was 4 days and 15 hours. Good luck Elon.

  3. No_Conflict_9562 on

    at this point anyone using twitter is also probably taking back their abusive gf/bf for the 5th time.

  4. FewCompetition5967 on

    Yeah good luck with this lil musky. It’s against EU laws and the App Store tos for a start.

  5. Effective-Pudding207 on

    For those still using it, this might be the last straw. Either way, eat a bag of dicks Elmo.

  6. Hey, everyone…

    What do you think would happen if you stopped using Twitter/X/wtf? Seriously.

    Would you be fired? Arrested? Fined? Lose your life savings? Would your neighbors hate or shun you?

    Is it really SO effing important in your life now that you may not have the discipline nor self control to discontinue using this platform?

    If even HALF of the Twitterers just stopped, maybe we the people would make a statement and resist spoiled brats like Musk and the divisive rhetoric and bullshit he continues to try and deliver.

    Just a thought…

    Nah! I knew you didn’t have it in you!!
    Why make a stand for others, right?

  7. wallstreet-butts on

    What is it with this deranged idea that he has some right to force feed content to people who don’t want to see it?

  8. Dump Twitter & tell others to do the same & come here or go to TikTok, here, IG, and YouTube. Also businesses can move to Discord & IG, we do not need ring wing working only for Donald Twitter, we have enough with the 6 Sup. Judges and Truth Social (whose stocks are probably below $8 dollars at this point and heading to $5 dollars next).

  9. “Apologies, we forgot the final block button to remove. You will now no longer be able to uninstall the app.”

  10. Delicious-Day-3614 on

    The audacity to think he speaks for the 1st ammendment. Twitter is protected from anything any user says by section 230. They literally cannot be prosecuted if you foment a rebellion on Twitter. Section 230 protects Elon, but he protects no one. It is past time he is put in his place.

  11. People need to get the fuck off that website already. I understand there are a lot of people on Twitter that aren’t anywhere else still, but they’ll only move when they stop getting interaction. It’s past time to hit the exits. You’ll live without it, I left a month or so after Elon took charge, I’m annoyed that government officials, celebrities, and sports figures haven’t left, but starve them out is the only way to get a jump.

  12. SeparateMongoose192 on

    I think he needs to read the first amendment. What a dumbass. Why did anyone ever think he was smart?

  13. 1) The First Amendment only applies to the government. Private companies have no such hindrance.

    2) The ONLY people this benefits are people who have been muted or blocked. Which tend to be trolls, abusers, stalkers, and other toxic individuals. This fully emboldens the worst of humanity and will increasingly drive all non-toxic users off Twitter.

    3) Everyone should delete their accounts right now and stop supporting and enriching this asshole.