People Shocked as Sweaty Trump Slurred and Seemed Drunk During Michigan Speech, ‘He Sounds Loaded!’


  1. You can only
    “be loaded” if you first possess a functioning Brain.
    I think he is doing this because he knows he won’t be elected and then he can tell the sentencing judges that he is not mentally responsible for his Criminal acts.
    Or it will buy him time to fly to Moscow with RFK Junior so that he can become President of “the Steve Seagall Fan Club”. No extradition treaty with the U.S. there.
    Of course, he will wear out his welcome there when he demands from Putin to be selected “Czar of Russia” because he is “The Orange Jesus”.
    Putin will get “pissed off” and have RFJ Junior and The Dotard airmailed out of a 20th floor Window.
    Then we will have 100 more years of Conspiracy Theories that the CIA “offed” another Kennedy.
    I can “Bearly” stand another “Whale of a Tale”

  2. PerformanceOne3985 on

    Yeah he’s not slurring. At all. I hate trump so much but this is so fucking dumb. It’s just baseline trump speech.

  3. Important_Tell667 on

    Donald’s addicted to various amphetamines just because he doesn’t want to stop talking, even though no one else wants to hear him.

  4. Icy_Independent7944 on

    I mean, he’s 78, he might wear dentures, he gets confused and run down like most people his age, and he might be hitting the Rx pills, as people are saying.

    He’s pretty vocal about not drinking, citing his family history.

    Who cares? He’s still an ass.

  5. Drug cocktails only work for so long. They will give him an IV on the plane home. Thiel , Sacks, and Musk need to keep him mildly functional thru the election so Vance can call an article 25 on his ass and make them our oligarchs

  6. Senile dementia with a side of syphilis. He’s been incoherent for years but now the fear and anger are pushing his blood pressure up to stroke level.

  7. Drunk, no. DonOld is a notorious teatotler (literally someone who would never have a beer with you). Hooked on Adderall and Ozempic, most definitely. Ketamine, probably.

  8. When symptoms of confusion, anxiety, agitation, or restlessness occur in the late afternoon or early evening, it is called “sundowning.” As many as 66 percent of people living with Alzheimer’s or other dementias develop this symptom

  9. Troll_in_the_Knoll on

    The only people that *may* have been shocked, were gaffers that accidentally touched a hot wire while rigging the stage when setting up the mic, teleprompters and lights.

  10. blessed_by_fortune on

    He melts away, as his last two brain cells rub together, to attempt a semblance of cognitive human speech.