Researchers in Australia have found a whole new type of cell that fills a major hole in our understanding of how the mammal body heals.

For over a century, scientists have hypothesized that a cell like this existed – and now, an adult version has been found at last, hiding in the aorta of grown mice.

The discovery was nine years in the making. Researchers have named the cells 'EndoMac progenitors', and the team is now searching for similar players in the human body.

"These cells have an important job, to help grow blood vessels when the body calls for it," explains medical scientist Sanuri Liyanage from the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI).

"They are activated by injury or poor blood flow, at which point they rapidly expand to aid in healing."

Liyanage and colleagues isolated EndoMac progenitor cells from mice and cultured them in the lab, where they formed colonies. When injected into diabetic mouse models, the cell colonies dramatically improved wound healing.


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