Mark Robinson, N.C. Governor Candidate, Hospitalized With Burn


  1. Silver-Breadfruit284 on

    For 2nd degree burns… which means he has blisters. And he’s been hospitalized for blisters? SMH!

  2. flimflammedzimzammed on

    Was this a richard pryor type of burn, or michael jackson. Stupid me, couldn’t have been a jackson, he doesn’t have hair

  3. Doesn’t he know that you’re supposed to light the cross **After** you plant it in someone’s yard?

    Is he stupid or something?

  4. I wonder if he’s thinking of using this as a graceful way to exit his candidacy – rather than in shame, he can claim “retired, hurt”.

  5. Still10Fingers10Toes on

    Mighty fine medical insurance these Republicans make sure they have. Hospitalization for some hand blisters while women are bleeding out in hospital parking lots. Hypocrisy and cruelty.

  6. This man is flat out crazy. I really want to say more things, but I don’t want my account to be banned for seven days 😁