Italy, Germany join carmakers in call to rethink internal combustion engine ban

Posted by ApresMatch


  1. “The EU had two choices, the Italian minister said: firstly, to keep the target and create the conditions to allow the car industry to achieve it – an approach favoured by German economy minister Robert Habeck. “Or if we fail to do all this we just have to…postpone the objectives,” he said.”

    Create the conditions, please! Dropping EV subsidies from one day to the next (!) because our finance minister with a hardon for balanced budgets wanted to was a major blunder. The car industry is an oil tanker and takes at least five years to make major course changes, you cannot just make up decisions from one day to the next.

  2. Ah yes, the absolutely most objective insitutions around had a big think and decided that they don’t feel like spending all that money on developing new technology, who could have predicted that?

    I wonder what the oil industry thinks about the subject? Surely they too have no ulterior motives.

    Does anyone have a shovel? We could poll Alexander VI on the separation of church and state, I’m sure he has much to add. Or maybe we need the input of some confederate leaders on that whole slavery issue.

  3. AgentePanettone on

    The 2035 ban was never going to hold up with car manufacturers treating electric cars as luxury products and without meaningful legislation from the EU.

  4. Burgeoasie can yap about enviroment as much as they want, the reality is that internal combustion ban and taxes are devastating to the lower classes which are struggling with buying new overregulated and expensive cars

  5. Recogniz3Wealth on

    Electric, battery powered cars can’t replace combustion engine. NOTHING can replace the diesel engine in trucks and ships. Not by 2035 and not with the tech we have today. Until we have a better technology, we are stuck with the combustion engine.

  6. So ironic that Germany doesn’t just promote/prolong their fossil car production, they are also crippling their rail infra… DB is one of the worst operators there and there are no exact timeframes when problems will be fixed. Worse trains=more ppl use more cars

  7. It’s easy to blame the manufacturers but the truth is also that people in the EU don’t buy electric vehicles. If you look in the top 25 you only see the Tesla Model Y:

    Now you can say it’s only because of price but people are also not really buying the cheap electric vehicles (like those ominous cheap Chinese cars that we hear so much about).

    The companies can’t operate at a loss until 2035. If people want this to work, they have to buy EVs.

  8. Trump is just not being a hypocrite or a virtue signaler like the EU. We all know we’ll use oil till we either use it all up, or it becomes so expensive so as to have to move to another cheaper energy source. Or longshot fusion … But in any case it won’t happen till the end of this century.

  9. Electric cars have 2 problem, battery degradation and range. People are less likely to buy second hand electric cars because of degradation and they are reticent to switch because of range concerns.
    Range is looking to be resolved by more charging points and better batteries, but that doesn’t get to the heart of it.
    In my opinion it requires a different approach, a regulatory one. Just like phones etc, car batteries should be replaceable. Instead of charging the car, switch the battery out for a fresher one.
    Batteries can then be charged in dedicated stations. Also because the huge cost of replacing the battery is now removed, the barrier to second hand purchases is removed and the depreciation curve is addressed. Further by taking the price of the battery out of the car, the costs are massively reduced.
    Yes it will take massive retooling of manufacturing but I honestly think it’s the only way electric cars will gain mainstream adoption.

  10. Unpopular opinion but electric cars were pushed on the world too early. Billions of dollars of government backed investment to try to phase out ICE in favour of a technology that is less energy dense, less convenient and has a much shorter lifespan.

    If you have €2000eu you can buy a used VW 1.9tdi that will run for another 300.000km with a 1000km range.. what does €2000eu get you with electric vehicles? Maybe an old Nissan leaf that has a 100km range and at some point you’ll have to spend €5000 for another battery.

    For the EU this doesn’t make sense. The EU has ICE expertise, patents, engineers and history… It has no advantage when it comes to electric vehicles.

  11. Independent-Slide-79 on

    Well too bad. This time they will not do nothing and be ontop in the end. The rest of the world is already big into the EV game and who doesnt go with the change, will go with the change.

  12. …i swear 80% of the commenters here do not even own a car, yet still are pushing for people to buy either expensive electric cars, or inexpensive ones with zero range.

    What about not having enough infrastructure for EV? Power grids need to be upgraded, power output, power outlets, many homes have old electrical components that cant handle the charging power, work places do not have enough charging stations, rural and remote areas certainly do not have enough of them, electricity prices will again spike up in the winter time here in the Nordics, some countries even have a problem getting enough electricity, emergency and heavy vehicles need to doubled if they are to be run on batteries because of the charging times… Etc etc etc

    How about the absolutely monumental environmental impact producing all the batteries and electronic equipment compared to a normal combustion car?

    Me personally driving an EV is the same as using a paper straw at McDonalds. Its still some country with unregulated trash laws dumping a billion cubic metric fucktonnes of trash and shit into the oceans, still using millions of 2stroke mopeds in cities, still burning coal and heavy fuel in their powerplants.. my EV wont change shit if not the whole world follows through with environmental regulation as well.

    I already paid a very large % of my salary to a bunch of different environmental taxes, up here in Finland i would dare to say we pay quite more than many others do, in some sort of environmental tax, the ridiculously priced diesel car tax being one of them as an example.

    EVs are fine, as long as everything around them adapts to it as well. But the world won’t be saved just by some people driving with EVs, when the infrastructure as large is how it is now.

    Battery disposal, tire and rubber degradation, heavier loads on the road network, more load on the electrical grid, fire and fumes hazards etc. Its not just “buy ev and all is good”. Its a big change as a whole

    Synthetic fuels paired with hybrid or light hybrids is where the sweetspot is in my opinion.

  13. lets just ignore people outside of large cities when we make these stupid changes. You need to build the infrastructure to support electric vehicles everywhere not just in your large city.