Belgrade: Google Street View vs actual street view

Posted by Porodicnostablo


  1. I’m not sure if that is better…

    There are a bit of greens and not Hong Kong density, but those are horrible places to live in…

  2. I go in Belgrade once a year and every year this city became more and more beautiful, great country and great government!

  3. Idyllic countryside vs endless gentrifying concretescape.

    The older one is way more inviting to me than the, most likely, overpriced mess of blocks that tickles real estate agents nipples.

  4. Individual-Joke-853 on

    So sad to see Belgrade is also being plaugued by senseless urban development. Big, ugly, flashy buildings for corporations, rich chinese, russians and middle eastern oil barrons. Areas like this and the new Belgrade Waterfront are just scars on an otherwise beautifull and well planned city.

  5. What is up with people saying it looked better in first pictures? Do you idiots have a hard-on for living in abandoned warehouses?

  6. everynameisalreadyta on

    Somebody is proud of their skyscrapers.
    What do you expect? Driving all the streets with Google cars every year?

  7. I have to say, being able to check how your area used to look 10-15 years ago is such a great feature of street view

    I’m able to check how my hometown used to look like back in my childhood, where I’d visit the area while cycling with my family. Brings in so many memories!