When your own kids are ugly

Posted by Ponder_wisely


  1. Confident-Court2171 on

    What?! I have no words. BTW, it doesn’t say – is it safe to assume this is a Republican?

  2. Specialist_Lock8590 on

    Are you trying to tell me that Republican political candidates actually lie? Oh, okay, they are following their hero, Donald Trump (the most profound pathological liar in American history). No problem, I understand!

  3. Amazing_Teaching2733 on

    No one is shocked or even surprised. The Republican Party is actively trying to run the most extreme candidates they can find because they know that regardless of how insane their candidate is 50% of the population will vote for them anyway and the insanity is what motivates the base.

  4. Quirky-Country7251 on

    well what do you expect him to do? his party has declared that not having children makes you satan. he just doesn’t have enough of a spine to call that out and still be a conservative but not a christian maga fuck. But they created this world and basically forced this guy to pretend he has a family. they are a shithole party that doesn’t care about politics they only care about social posturing while crying that everything a democrat does is pandering or virtue signalling while literally virtue signalling so hard they have to pretend they have a wife and kids rofl.