Japan plans to give free legal advice to its nationals in China Japanese Foreign Minister Kamikawa Yoko says the government plans to set up a system, so that it can provide free legal consultations to Japanese nationals in China. The nationals will be able to use the system, if they become victims of crime in that country.

Kamikawa made the comment on Friday. It comes after the fatal stabbing last week of a 10-year-old boy, who was on his way to a Japanese school in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen.

The minister said the government plans to set up a system, on a trial basis, to provide free advice to Japanese nationals living in China, especially those who become victims of crimes. The advice will be provided by lawyers working in China.
Japanese nationals will be able to contact them through the Japanese Embassy in Beijing or consulate generals in other cities.

Kamikawa said concerns are mounting among Japanese people living in China. She said the government wants to complete studies on the operation of the system as soon as possible, and then start providing necessary support.

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