User Information Provided by Naver, Kakao Jumps 22% in H1

Photo : YONHAP News

The amount of user information provided by the nation’s two major online platforms, Naver and Kakao, to investigative agencies in the first half of the year jumped 22 percent compared to a year ago.

According to transparency reports released by the two companies on Saturday, there were some five-point-82 million cases of the information provision to the prosecution and other agencies, up 22 percent on-year and 36 percent from the second half of 2023.

Most of the provided information were in response to the agencies’ search warrants.

Naver and Kakao began releasing their transparency reports since 2015, as part of enhancing protection of user information. 

The increase in information is attributed to the rise in the number of search warrants issued, with warrant application expanding 15-point-two percent on-year to 457-thousand-160 in 2023.

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