What’s that peculiar abode in the background? Do you live there? How much did it cost?
eliawhatsyourname on
Super cool, where is this?
Q0o6 on
Damn that terrain looks so barren, almost like Utah.
Prestigious-Hand-225 on
Anapat Canyon?
WrapKey69 on
In my dialect we call it Doing Khorovats but I guess words can be different
ShantJ on
Cheers! 🥂
Nismo929 on
Looks beautiful ! I believe we stayed at your place in Areni a few years ago and always live seeing you post pictures and videos of the cabin. Hope your keeping well. 🙂
First of all congrats!
What’s that peculiar abode in the background? Do you live there? How much did it cost?
Super cool, where is this?
Damn that terrain looks so barren, almost like Utah.
Anapat Canyon?
In my dialect we call it Doing Khorovats but I guess words can be different
Cheers! 🥂
Looks beautiful ! I believe we stayed at your place in Areni a few years ago and always live seeing you post pictures and videos of the cabin. Hope your keeping well. 🙂
I thought this was red dead redemption 2
Say hi to David ♥️