CBS News says mics won’t be muted for VP debate


  1. Makes sense, neither of these candidates suffer from the verbal incontinence that seems to afflict the guy this rule was originally proposed for

  2. Sure, because it won’t be necessary. Neither of these guys is going to completely melt down and start yelling all over the place

  3. armchairmegalomaniac on

    We’ll be able to hear JD’s plaintive whines in the background as he’s throttled into submission.

  4. Southern-Detail1334 on

    Which proves that the Trump campaign aren’t opposed to open mics, they just didn’t trust Trump to not say something terrible.

  5. Past_Distribution144 on

    Keeping it spicy, should be fun to hear Wals laugh at Vance for how dumb his arguments will be. It was supposed to be boring, but now sounding interesting.

  6. I fully expect Vance to be a better debater on the technical aspects of debating, but I think he will come off as pompous, arrogant, and artificial compared to Walz.

    Walz will probably be a less technically adept debater but come off as way more personable and genuine. I’m hoping that translates to a “win”.

    Either way voting Harris/Walz.


  7. The mics weren’t muted during the recent ABC debate, either. They hurriedly unmuted his mic any time he started talking out of turn, defeating the entire purpose of the rule.

  8. Walz has been a wee bit scripted in interviews and rallies. They should tell him to take off the gloves and let it rip against Vance.

  9. Walz has an abundance of charisma in his folksy midwest way, which Vance utterly lacks. However, Vance is incredibly well educated and has plenty of speaking experience (when he’s not buying donuts).

    Vance isn’t a true MAGA believer, and skews more on the ‘smart-but-evil’ side, so his lies will likely sound reasonable, and rattling him probably won’t be nearly as easy as it was with Trump.

    Might be an interesting debate.

  10. treesandfood4me on

    > Walz, meanwhile, has held mock debates, sources told ABC News, with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, in his personal capacity, acting as a Vance stand-in,

    Can you imagine how awesome a debate prep partner Pete must be? The professional Fox News correcter imparting his techniques.

  11. ButtholeCharles on

    How many times will JD Vance open his pie hole to spout nonsense?

    I hope Tim baits him every bit as hard as they baited Trump.

  12. bucketofmonkeys on

    Too bad, I think it’s a good rule. Why allow them the opportunity to interrupt each other?

  13. I like Walz, and I think he’s going to take Vance to school. But just for tonight … I wish it was Buttigieg.

    He’s just got such a flair for making stupid ideas look stupid and looking like a fucking boss when doing it.

  14. So, we’re going to have to listen to Walz laughing the entire time Vance is talking? I guess that’s fine.

  15. Guilty-Shoulder-9214 on

    Ngl. If I were Trumps campaign, I’d be supremely worried about Vance saying something incredibly stupid and/or fucked up to levels that would make Trump blush.

  16. Hairy-Professional-6 on

    Walz just needs to repeat what Kamala said. Act like Vance is Trump, just like Trump acted like Kamala is Biden

  17. IT_Geek_Programmer on

    This is what was said a month before the recent Presidential debate, and in the debate the host stated the mics will be muted. Not sure what to say about this now. But if the mics are not muted, Vance would just turn the debate stage into a conspiracy theory rally.