Trump adviser green-lights ‘states that want to set up full menstrual surveillance departments’


  1. Small government Republicans want to give Trump full access to your menstrual cycle. Cool.

    Hope everyone plans on voting.

  2. Troll_in_the_Knoll on

    Weird. Republicans used to believe that individual rights came from a higher authority, not the government. But then again, they also believe that Trump was sent by God to run/save the US.

  3. Jason Miller – still not up to date with his child support payments as he hid income so he didn’t have to pay… now he wants to monitor menstrual cycles. Feckless toad!

  4. Super_Albatross_6283 on

    Excuse me?

    LADIES: this is why you should NOT track your period on these apps. They’re going to try to use that data and it likely already is being used for nefarious reasons. Figure out another way ♥️

  5. PuzzleheadedGift5532 on

    Women of America; PLEASE wake up! The Republicans want to control you in every way, even to regulate your (normal) bodily functions, like the Taliban. Before it is too late, vote blue in every category. Drive them out of office.

  6. Why don’t we just break into 50 fucking countries at this point and Trump can be president of Florida?

  7. Dense-Comfort6055 on

    This one slipped mistress abortion meds. STFU and sit down. You are not qualified to talk about anything regarding g morality or reproduction

  8. Unfriendly_eagle on

    Trumpie Republicans don’t see women as being full people. Same with minorities. “The women”… “the blacks”… to them, they’re no more than voting blocs, who are of one singular hive mind.

  9. Nazi Miller says “it’s ‘going to be up to the states’ whether or not they set up regimes to monitor women’s pregnancies so they can prosecute them for getting out of state abortions.”

    Regimes? Damn, he really is in the authoritarian mindset. Jeez!

  10. Project 2025 tree ting to start early… despite Donny douche saying he knows nothing… just like the fat guard on hogan’s heros.

  11. This is beyond outrageous. I am old enough to not be impacted by this but am horrified for younger women including my daughter. Handmaids tale indeed.

  12. Wanna track your periods? Go fund an old paper calendar and pin it the corkboard. They can read what’s in paper. Get rid of digital everything. It can save you.

  13. I’m 67 and male, but very interested in flooding their menstrual tracking portal with reports on my “flow.”