Trump Camp Says State Menstrual Surveillance Programs are A-OK


  1. They can’t even handle gun registration for shit, how are they gonna track every egg for every woman in the country? What a fucking joke.

  2. Menstrual surveillance program? WTF?

    > JD Vance is a major menstrual surveillance hawk. When the Biden administration pushed for updated HIPAA regulations to prevent sheriff’s departments and other law enforcement agencies from pulling women’s medical records for their menstrual surveillance programs (which they termed “compassionate laws protecting unborn children and their mothers”), Vance was one of only 28 members of Congress (and only 8 senators) to sign a letter protesting the new regs, which, per the letter, “interfere with valid state laws protecting life.” (You can see the letter here. It’s a doozy.)
    > Think about those numbers. Out of all the crazies in the House Republican caucus and among the 49 Republican senators, they couldn’t even get 30 people to sign this thing. But the Trump campaign itself, not surprisingly, has done its best to avoid the issue. I mean, how could they not? Even the name is toxic.

    J.D. Vance wants to send the Period Police to your house every month? Figures. He’s got some real issues it sure seems like.

    But seriously, they seem to be going for another “it’s not us, it’s up to the states to decide here”, and we know how that will turn out.

    >It’s totally up to the states. Trump’s “leave it up to the states” approach applies to all these menstrual surveillance and travel restriction regimes as well. It’s a new opening for the Harris campaign to focus attention on an issue that hasn’t yet gotten enough attention — not just abortion rights as a general issue but states and county sheriffs’ effort to restrict women’s travel, access their medical records and current state of menstruation or gestation, and bar access to legal medications.

  3. I think they should set a precedent and their wives should publicly post when they menstruate. What have they got to hide, let them demonstrate how this information shouldn’t be private. Come on Usha, lead by example!

  4. ScoutsterReturns on

    Women need to stop answering questions about their period when asked unless it’s 100% necessary.

  5. This is completely and utterly absurd. What are we doing here people? Is this really what you want for the women in your life?

  6. CountryFriedSteak78 on

    FYI, this is the dodge they are using to discredit the criticism of Project 2025 from Walz and others.

    “See, it’s the states doing it – not the federal government. The federal government is just encouraging it and using the data. We’re not doing the surveillance ourselves.”

  7. This whole menstrual surveillance thing is seriously invasive and downright creepy. It’s insane that instead of focusing on real issues, there are efforts to control women’s choices and privacy like this. States should not be monitoring personal health decisions—it just feels like a step back in time. We need to speak out against this and protect our rights.

  8. I’m still of child-bearing age, but I’ve had an endometrial ablation. Do I need to carry around a card from my OBGYN that says so? What if I’m accused of that being faked? Will I need a state-sanctioned gynecological exam to confirm the charred remains of my uterine lining to their satisfaction and have to carry some sort of proof so they don’t get suspicious of my lack of tampon use?

    Do the people on the right see how stupid, dangerous, invasive, and UNAMERICAN this entire thing is?

  9. I swear, this campaign cannot be listening to anyone with an ounce of actual “how to run a campaign” professional knowledge.

    >But yesterday in an interview on Newsmax of all places, a host asked Trump spokesman Jason Miller whether Donald Trump supported or wouldn’t aim to prevent states from enforcing their own menstrual surveillance regimes. It was one of those Fox-like interviews in which the host seems to go out of his way to signal what the right answer is. You wouldn’t do this, right?

    >“But he wouldn’t support monitoring pregnancies, even if a state decided to do that?” the host asked.

    >Miller [responded]( that “he’s [i.e., Trump’s] made it very clear that he’s not going to go and weigh in and push various states on how they want to go and set up their particular rules and restrictions. That’s going to be up to the states.”

    >So he went there. It’s totally up to the states. Trump’s “leave it up to the states” approach applies to all these menstrual surveillance and travel restriction regimes as well.

  10. adamiconography on

    Dear women democrats in congress.

    Menstrual surveillance? Fine. Masturbation surveillance. Masturbation kills millions of potential children time for a database.

    Time to start playing their games

  11. For the love of all you hold dear, DO *NOT* allow these bastards into the White House!

    **HARRIS/WALZ 2024!!**

  12. Listening_Heads on

    Imagine raising your daughter in a country where her period is tracked by the government and then she gets shot in school by a gun that isn’t allowed to be tracked by the government. And it’s all because you voted for a reality gameshow host because Russian propaganda agents on your TV told you Haitian drag queens were eating dogs and performing transgender surgery on your kids at school.

    2024 America.

  13. There it is, ladies. They’ve now said, directly, the quiet part out loud

    A theocratic America could become a terrifying reality if these **animals** get elected

  14. WTF? The republicans are taking the taliban to another level. Forbidden travel for medical procedures, tracking menstrual cycles, and trashcan HIPAA patient/doctor confidentiality.
    They want to take away freedoms. And have government control and have say so on personal decisions.

  15. WHAT IN THE EVER LOVING FUCK!!!! Get these fucks away from the controls and away from my country!

  16. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 80%. (I’m a bot)
    > When the Biden administration pushed for updated HIPAA regulations to prevent sheriff's departments and other law enforcement agencies from pulling women's medical records for their menstrual surveillance programs, Vance was one of only 28 members of Congress to sign a letter protesting the new regs, which, per the letter, "Interfere with valid state laws protecting life.”

    > Yesterday in an interview on Newsmax of all places, a host asked Trump spokesman Jason Miller whether Donald Trump supported or wouldn't aim to prevent states from enforcing their own menstrual surveillance regimes.

    > So menstrual surveillance programs in states with Trump abortion bans are back at the center of the campaign conversation.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~694450 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **state**^#1 **abortion**^#2 **Trump**^#3 **right**^#4 **sheriff**^#5

  17. 2_Sheds_Jackson on

    But first institute a universal DNA database of all men. That way when a woman gets pregnant then the father can be easily identified.

  18. MyDarlingCaptHolt on

    Republican men can’t WAIT for a reason to inspect their daughters genitals nightly.

    Don’t tell me I’m being hyperbolic, this is what they vote for.

  19. They can surveil menstruation when they start monitoring ejaculations. Oh too intrusive? Maybe we should start collecting a sperm sample from all men and running it against rape kits. Kick start the DNA database.

    For real though, the state has no business with our collective reproductive organs.

  20. Striking_Green7600 on

    If you haven’t stopped sending your mensural cycle data to Peter Theil (ownership in Flo and 28), the second-best time to delete the app is today.

  21. There are only 3 groups of people concerned with children’s gentials:
    – Medical Professionals
    – Children/caretakers (if there’s something medically wrong)
    – pedophiles

    These people pushing these ideas aren’t medical professionals, nor are they actual children (despite how they may act) so that really only leaves one group…

  22. Anything short of: “Hell no we will absolutely **not** allow states to monitor people’s bodies for the purpose of prosecuting them in any way shape or form because even the suggestion is *utter madness.*” – is unacceptable!

    The fact that anyone could even entertain this absolutely insane idea for one second is inexcusable.

    Edit punctuation.

  23. Almost like that creepy ad that was put out a couple months ago with the cop asking about the kids period.