Trump calls for prosecution of Google over search results he says favor Harris


  1. Trump is such a fucking moron. Should a liberal be free to sue Fox News for favoring Trump? Just pure stupidity.

  2. Complete_Bear_368 on

    I looked up “who is the worst president of the last 50 years” and the first Google result was a US News article listing Trump as #3 of The 10 Worst U.S. Presidents…guess he’s getting hits off some search results!

  3. The day is coming soon that we will no longer have our social media, and our news channels filled with moronic headlines like this about him. I can’t wait for the new era. VOTE.

  4. Can we hurry and vote this orange shit stain out of the god damn election. I want him to lose so bad that everyone laughs at him until he goes to prison 

  5. basketballsteven on

    “it has been determined”….. No bro it has not been determined and that’s not how this works.

  6. Thebestwatchesonearth LLC

    Also incorporated at this address, are fronts like

    Turn Beer: It’s a beer, not a crime

  7. doesitevermatter- on

    It’s like he’s intentionally playing up The stereotype of a spoiled Rich brag who thinks he can get whatever he wants if he whines enough.

    It’s just a shame we haven’t been able to prove him wrong yet.

  8. Cattywampus2020 on

    Why does YouTube always suggest videos into the right wing bro culture or fake spacex videos with AI Musk voice telling me to buy shitcoins?

  9. I just purchased the Trump watch! And let me tell you Google reviews almost made me not make this awesome purchase. I would have also sued Google if I had to change my mind! /s

  10. “When I lose, it’s everyone else’s fault!”
    What a crybaby. Buck up snowflake, deal with life.

  11. justhavingfunMT on

    He is such a repugnant little child. I was going to say bitch but that’s degrading to female dogs everywhere.

  12. If you say stupid shit to make headlines for ratings. You can’t be surprised when that’s what Google finds when asked about you.

  13. This has big Michael Scott, “I have got to make sure YouTube comes down to tape this” energy.

  14. If one person has many postive reports and very few negative reports, and another person has many negative reports and very few positive reports, an unbiased search history will reflect that.

  15. He is not a serious person. If we elect him again we deserve all of the stupid shit that will result.

  16. 😂😂😂😂😂 It is truly a shame that millions of people will vote for this level of handicap to be the face of this country. Just wow!