Trump’s Meeting With Zelenskiy Went About as Well as You’d Expect


  1. The fact that he stood next to Zelensky and mentioned his (Trump’s) good relationship with putin is just so stupid and embarrassing. (But Trump isn’t capable of being ashamed or embarrassed, so never mind.)

    Trump, still while standing right next to Zelensky, said that he wanted to make a deal between the two that was [“good for both sides.”]( First of all, what does that even mean, and secondly, I guess Trump thinks there are “very fine people on both sides.”

    It’s so sad that Zelensky has to spend any time interacting with Trump at all. I can’t imagine what it’s like to force yourself to be polite to someone you ***know*** is friends with your greatest enemy, who is responsible for the deaths of thousands of your people.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and there’s this:

    >In a separate interview, Trump [said]( that Zelenskiy was seeking a “fair transaction” to end the war in Ukraine. “The president wants it to stop. And I’m sure President Putin wants it to stop. And that’s a good combination.”

    I’m pretty sure putin does not want it to stop.

  2. Imagine surviving the battle of Mariupol. Most of your neighbors fled, are dead and buried under cheap Potemkin buildings, were kidnapped and taken to penal colonies/orphanages, or in some cases unwillingly or willingly collaborate with Russia. You do what you can to not atract the attention of the Kadyrovite filth that infests the city, and the only hope of liberation takes the form of occasional cruise missile strikes on Russian targets.

    Then November 2024 rolls around, Orange Chamberlain wins because of a bullshit electoral system that most of his own people don’t understand, and tells you that you that you will remain a slave to Russia via a fickle “ceasefire.” If Ukraine rebukes him and continues to fight, he reiterates that Russia will be allowed to do “whatever the hell it wants” – meaning he will gladly watch as the horrors of Mariupol are unleashed on unoccupied Ukraine.

  3. I feel so bad for Zelenskiy. A world class leader during wartime having to play nice with a person who wants to sell out his entire people to a war criminal Putin if he gets a chance. Vote full ticket Democrat this election and let’s show our ally we are with them all the way

  4. DownwardSpirals on

    Volodymyr ‘I need ammunition, not a ride’ Zelenskyy *vs.* Donald ‘Can’t Even Look at my Political Opponent’ Trump.

    What a fucking sham.

  5. Chance_Land_9828 on

    And Trump said ” Hey Zelensky, you know i support Russia and Putin, so the war will end when you surrender, we will make you surrender very fast”
    Idk how any american can see anything wise in this POS, i mean this guy is dumb. Hopefully Kamala will win.

    Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦

  6. I can see why Trump has a good chance to win this November, the only one trying to bring peace.

  7. EMP_Jeffrey_Dahmer on

    This is good news. I’m glad they have a clear understanding of the situation and can move towards peace.

  8. I was honestly expecting Trump to say “he’s brave, but not as brave as me” which would just have been utterly soul destroying

  9. “Takes two to tango” That right there cost him my vote. Yes, I was planning on voting for T, but saw red when he embarrassed Zelensky on the world stage. Trump has no business managing foreign policy in today’s world.

  10. RealisticallyFooked on

    He didn’t need to meet with Trump as he’s a civilian, thought that was against candidate rules?