"For almost 15 years, the toll collection system in Slovakia has been managed by a Slovak company SkyToll with which Croatia recently signed a contract for a new method of tolling highways that will based on the reading of ENC devices or license plates. For almost 15 years, the toll collection system in Slovakia has been managed by a Slovak company SkyToll with which Croatia recently signed a contract for a new method of tolling highways that will based on the reading of ENC devices or license plates. But this company in Slovakia has long been the target of criticism from the former government, state auditors and anti-corruption organizations, due to corruption in public procurement. It denied the Slovak treasury millions of euros due to sloppily drawn up contracts that allowed it to fully control the toll collection system and collect a large amount of profit from them.

Given that this company is together with a Czech company CzechToll which belong ITIS Holding which is once again owned by the Czech group PPF, which has been under serious suspicions of media racket several times, and which also owns our RTL television, which signed a contract with the Republic of Croatia, creates additional concern.

Slovak lesson

Croats are already paying too expensive tolls anyway, the government persistently shows no interest in introducing vignettes, and now we wonder if we will pay even more. The question arises, how much SkyToll and CzechToll will bring benefits to Croatia, and how much harm?

As well as how is it possible that the Republic of Croatia has not learned from Slovakia’s mistakes? But this company in Slovakia has long been the target of criticism by the former government, state auditors and anti-corruption organizations, due to corruption in public procurement. It denied the Slovak treasury millions of euros due to sloppily drawn up contracts that allowed it to fully control the toll collection system and collect a large amount of profit from them."

Otkrivamo: Tvrtka koji će raditi novi sustav naplate cestarina oštetila Slovačku za 620 milijuna eura
byu/nemadorakije incroatia

Posted by nemadorakije


  1. TheComradeCommissar on

    Pa Slovacka je imala veliku korupcijsku aferu vezanu uz njih, kud ces bolje za hdz-ovce.

  2. Bouygues je umiješan u niz najgorih korupcijskih afera u Europi, a u Hrvatskoj su se otimali za njih, prvo tunel Učka, onda aerodrom Zagreb i onda umalo dubrovačka luka.

    Znači, ako je tvrtka umiješana u teške korupcijske skandale samo onaj tko malo razumije stanje u Hrvatskoj neće shvatiti da je to idealna referenca za “projekte” u Hrvatskoj.

    Kako bi zamračili milijarde ako dovedu nekog poštenog?

  3. BrutallArmadildo on

    Pa naravno, zato je i izabrana. Treba izvaditi novce za stranku, a Turud će se potruditi da nitko ne ode na robiju

  4. masterstrokeuser on

    Slovački SkyToll, češki CzechToll, i Mađarska od nedavno imaju identičan sustav vinjeta i u sve tri države je žešće lihvarenje. 

    Cijene će se vjerojatno restrukturirati po dnevnoj i regionalnoj/županijskoj naknadi. U Mađarskoj je dnevna karta 13 eura, Češkoj 10, a Slovačkoj 6,5 eura.

    Dakle ne bi se čudio da će se plaćati neki viši prosjek, tipa cijena jednaka 130km vožnje na trenutnom sistemu, za dvnevnu kartu. Dobro ako stalno ideš ili ako daleko ideš ali ako trebaš skoknuti od ne znam Zagreba do Karlovca bude dosta opalilo po džepu.