Major Conservative Poll Cited by Media Secretly Worked With Trump Team


  1. Wow, what a surprise. /s

    Rasmussen corruptly colluding with the Trump campaign, in violation of election law. What’s next, another insurrection when Trump loses yet again?

  2. accountabilitycounts on

    This is just expected, right? One of those things you knew but couldn’t prove? I’ve always assumed rass works with GOP campaigns.

  3. truthishardtohear on

    It’s Rasmussen isn’t it?

    <reads article>

    I am Jack’s (and the entire planet’s) lack of surprise.

  4. Rasmussen is corrupt to the hilt. Their polls aren’t real, only agenda-driven to prop up the GOP.

    Scott Rasmussen left the firm to the other shareholders and subsequently founded and started RMG Research because he had “differences with the other shareholders about the direction of the company”. Turns out the other shareholders wanted to make the well known polling firm into a GOP “counter programming” firm rather than a scientific poll. The highly questionable methodology employed by Rasmussenreports has forced the company off all but one poll aggregators (the one remaining aggregator still using Rasmussen being Realclearpolitics, a right-leaning aggregator).

  5. 538 banned them a while back. Nate Silver, who is no longer with 538, defended Rasmussen. Nate is also on the payroll of Peter Thiel. If you go look at polling on Real Clear Politics, you’ll note that they use Rasmussen extensively and that they single handedly drag down Harris’ numbers.

    I should add that Scott Rasmussen sold the company a long time ago but stayed on for a bit. He quit in disgust because he saw what they were doing.

  6. The_Woman_of_Gont on

    But…but…I was assured that the dirty polling Cohen detailed wasn’t relevant anymore!

  7. guyincognito69420 on

    I have never understood the idea behind fake polls. Good polling can make people complacent and decide not to vote. Has anyone done a study on how voters react depending on polling?

    I guess here they can also point to the polls when they try to overturn the election so that makes some sense. Yet besides that I don’t get why anyone would rig polls.

  8. I knew it was Rasmussen just from seeing the headline. They’re one of the only polls that consistently has Trump winning. No shock here.

  9. old_and_boring_guy on

    Looks like that’s a non-profit engaging in explicitly forbidden politicking.

    Well well well. Wonder what that will do to their 501(c)3 status?

  10. It’s not just to make Donald happy – it’s to give a justification for him to claim the election was fraudulent.

    The law needs to be enforced in a timely manner.

  11. Commenting on the email that was shared and shown in the article.

    This is pretty disgusting. They were shopping around a survey targeting people they identified as illegal (most likely the lamest of racial profiling) so they could no doubt generate a narrative about illegals voting for Harris.

    The other sad thing is they’re begging for $10k which they point out their main backer could no longer afford and their secondary was “considering” (meaning no money) and now they were begging from Orange’s campaign. If I were the donors to that think tank and other non-profit I’d have some serious questions about where the money goes if they can’t afford their own sham surveys without going around begging.

    Where’d they leave their bootstraps?

  12. welltimedappearance on

    I’ve been going to RealClearPolitics since maybe 2007 or so, which loves their boy Rasmussen. Rasmussen has ALWAYS done the same thing: make the race look even or favorable for the Republican candidate (at least relative to other pollsters), and then in the last week or two, they tighten up the results so they can claim after the election that they were accurate

  13. PitterPatter12345678 on

    Republicans are hack cheaters, who don’t have the stomach to put themselves through what we all do, a normal life, but nope fuck everyone because getting ahead is #1.

  14. I read title halfway through and already knew who they were talking about.

    Rasmussen isn’t exactly hiding their bias. I also expected Trafargar to be involved because they cook the polls for Trump too.

  15. Makes you wonder if 538/Nate Silver and RCP are also coordinating with the GOP, since they seem to prefer the Trump biased polls.

  16. Trump’s game plan is pretty clear: lose, then throw a tantrum so his base stays pissed off. He knows an angry mob is easier to rile up than one that actually thinks critically—keeps the outrage machine running full steam ahead for his next grift.

  17. If people don’t know Rasmussen has been in the bag for Republicans since W then I don’t know what to say to them

  18. I knew the polls that showed him leading were and always have been faked. They oversampled known conservatives on purpose and intentionally mislabeled them as independent.

  19. For people wondering why this is a big deal: campaigns usually have to pay for their own internal polling. Polling is a huge expense for campaigns that takes up a lot of their funding from donors. Rasmussen providing the Trump campaign with polling data, alleviating trumps need to do his own polling, is an in kind donation to the campaign. This donation was not reported as required by election law.

  20. The number of legacy “conservative leaning” groups destroying their credibility for trump is gobsmacking

  21. Rasmussen: “So whattaya think?”
    Trump team: “Can you make it look like more people like Trump?”
    Rasmussen: “Well… It’ll cost a bit more to do that…”
    Trump Team: “How much? And do you take a check?…”

  22. Lol. Conservatives and struggling with reality. Again.

    They really do want a kim jong un style god-emperor who just declares what reality is.

    If he says they’re eating the dogs and cats, they are.

    If he says he’s a genius he is.

    If he draws on a NOAA weather map where the hurricane will go, that’s where it goes. And if it doesn’t it is fake news.

    If he says he won the golf tournament, he did.


  23. Jeezus!!
    Illegal immigrants voting??
    These fuckers are hellbent on pushing their narrative no matter what!

  24. Apprehensive-Fun4181 on

    Members of the press are secretly working for them too.   After Jan 6th, if some people weren’t fired, then your newsroom is compromised and none of you can see Reality except the Interlopers.

  25. Nu Doi. Literally, nu doi. They’ve been doing this a lot. Even had his aides and people in his campaign admitting they would buy or pay for a fake poll and have to tell him how well he was doing to flatter him. That would keep him going for a bit until he needed another bought self-flattering.

  26. Yeah no shit. Have a poll that doesn’t return what you want? Sponsor one that will. Hell, sponsor 5 and flood the market with them, sway the narrative.
    That’s why it’s tough to really trust a lot of the polls out there.

  27. Javasndphotoclicks on

    You know it’s serious when other countries are hoping we don’t fuck this election up.