FTC Report Confirms: Commercial Surveillance is Out of Control



  1. The nature of this situation needs to change. If they want our data, they should first, be required to request permission. Second, they should be paying US for use of that data, if permission has been granted. Using our data without permission should be punishable by federal law, and appropriate disciplinary action taken. And by appropriate, I mean fines so high, that violating the law would be financially devastating.

    They are using something that doesn’t belong to them, to enrich themselves. It’s crazy, and unfathomable that it’s gotten to this point.

    Big Tech is rushing AI because they know that eventually, the tide of consumer privacy will change. It’s already happening in other countries. They want to vacuum up every bit of data they can for use with their AI models, before doing so is unlawful. By the time our government gets in front of this, it will be far too late.

    AI should have never been released into the wild before safeguards were put in place, and legislation regarding its proper use implemented. This oversight will be remembered as one the greatest travesties to humanity in history.

  2. BillButtlickerII on

    We honestly need to peacefully march on DC to stop this bullshit as both parties are taking lobbyists monies and ignoring their constituents. Our privacy is 100% gone and has been completely sold to the highest bidders for years. Make virtually every form of data collection and mandatory opt ins on terms and conditions to use hardware or software illegal, as every corporation has shown they abuse the data and can’t even protect it. I’d even be for criminalizing it and making Chief Executives and Owners personally liable. Lastly make forced arbitration illegal again so people can sue these corporations through the courts and financially bankrupt them for these corrupt practices.

  3. From the article: “The FTC report underscores a fundamental issue: these privacy violations are not just occasional missteps—they’re inherent to the business model of online behavioral advertising.“

  4. LetMePushTheButton on

    Just want to add here that I find value in Ai. However, I think there exists a MAJOR problem with privacy. I recently watched a presentation about synthesizing a human with ai. Really great process imo.

    But there’s a little interesting bit about where they get their scan data from. https://youtu.be/ITbxJeCoaQY?t=2403&si=DBKg3l3a0XMIjHuX

    they sort of laughed off the question of “how large is the data set?” and said “we’re actually not allowed to say how large” and goes on to say they are supplied data by third parties. It looked like a bit of duper’s delight…

    Further, I’d argue that tech companies relying on third parties for their scan database is an extreme risk to privacy.

    Similar to how construct companies employ third parties to source their laborforce with undocumented workers, when the companies building the property are caught – they simply blame it on the third party and keep the whole project running with **another** third party. Rinse and repeat.

    I have a suspicion that this is what these Ai companies are doing. Scraping massive scan databases and using the data in a way that the person that was originally scanned did not agree to. When they’re caught – they’ll throw that party under the bus and do the same thing with another third party. Rinse and repeat.

    They couldn’t even say WHERE they get it. That’s suspicious af.

    [Bonus peek into our future (The Congress movie, 2014.](https://youtu.be/zkDyKWKNeaE?si=wcCeOfSRuUpIf6wz)

  5. It’s a bunch of gop donors exploiting citizens.

    Intellectual property theft by data mining operations on social media to create products for those communities.