Just Stop Oil activists jailed for throwing soup over Van Gogh’s Sunflowers


Posted by JackFlyNorth


  1. TravellingMills on

    These environmental activists should go to school,study and specialize in relevant subjects pertaining to environment or whatever their ideology is and provide solutions. Just screaming slogans isn’t the way the world works.

  2. CrunchyHobGoglin on

    I genuinely think ‘Just Stop Oil’ is there to muddy the waters and get people to hate all climate activists. Their funding history, tactics and splinter cell organisation doesn’t add up to Net Good.

    What a menace!

  3. Thoughtful_Ocelot on

    Martin Luther King never threw soup at a painting, but boy, did he get his point across.

    Food for thought.

  4. Klutzy-Weakness-937 on

    Honestly at this point I think these activists are funded by oil companies to make people reject the cause.

  5. ProfessionalOwn9435 on

    Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

    Some activist block something related with climate, like another giga lignite mine, or cut more old forest… at least something related with climate.

    But JSO are random. Art gallery is not favorite spot of fossil fuel barons. Blocking random cars will not add any more bus lanes.

    The time to put spotlight on fact of climate change is gone, not it is more about solutions. And JSO just came too late to the party, still seeking attencion when it is time for planning.

  6. Just Stop Oil, also known as activists who are funded by oil companies. You never hear about the good things activists do, but we hear all about the activists who have ties to oil companies. You can connect the dots.