Deepfake Sex Offenders Can Go to Prison under Revised Law

Photo : YONHAP News

A bill to address deepfake sex crimes has passed in the National Assembly, making it possible to send offenders to prison. 

The bill to amend the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment of Sexual Crimes passed during Thursday’s plenary session with bipartisan support, stipulating up to three years in prison or a fine of up to 30 million won, about 23-thousand U.S. dollars, for possessing, purchasing, storing or viewing deepfake content.

Producers of deepfake content can face up to seven years in prison or fines of up to 50 million won, regardless of whether they intend to distribute the content.

Using deepfake content for blackmail or coercion will carry a minimum sentence of one year in prison.

Another bill that passed parliament mandates the deletion of illegal deepfake content and the provision of state support for victims.

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