Donald Trump bizarrely claims migrants have phone app direct to Kamala Harris


  1. Bored_guy_in_dc on

    >Trump claimed: “In addition through her phone app, something totally new now, it’s a phone app for migrants, where migrants call in.

    >“She’s allowed them to press a button and schedule an appointment to be released into the interior of our county.”

    Wait, what? How the hell do his supporters fall for this shit? Or, do they know its bull, and ignore it?

  2. Due_Willingness1 on

    It’s amazing how detached this guy is from reality

     Guessing he thinks it’s like one of those automated menues  “for free admittance to the United States, press one

     For gender affirming surgery performed at an elementary school, press two 

     For a schedule of Trump events and vantage points there around, press three”

  3. Laura Loomer just makes up false and outrageous rumors while servicing tRump, and then he parrots them.
    It’s like Ron Burgundy saying anything that was written on the teleprompter.

  4. Its scary that millions of people will vote for someone with obvious advancing dementia to have access to the nuclear launch codes.

  5. They are eating cats and dogs but can also talk to Kamala Harris whenever they want. Makes total sense, Donald.

    Bless his little heart.

  6. The TRUTH:  Immigration and Customs Enforcement does give some immigrants phones. However, they can only access an app called SmartLink, which is used to monitor immigrants after they cross the border, according to the agency, the company that makes the phones and an immigration expert. The devices are not connected to a cellular network and cannot be used to browse the internet, make unauthorized phone calls, or access apps other than SmartLink. (Per usual… conservatives are spinning to fit their narrative that Democrats and immigrants are evil)

  7. I have the app and she and I converse all the time. She has nothing but free time, so she always replies.

  8. No joke it gets weirder and weirder every day, man

    Seriously, do his kids even give a damn? I’m not saying they’re sharp tools or anything, but you cannot deny he’s deteriorating cognitively.

  9. Sideshow_Bob_Ross on

    “Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” – Voltaire

  10. The important thing isn’t that he’s saying these completely wild, unfounded lies. It’s that his supporters are believing literally anything that comes out of his mouth, no matter how absurd or disproven or crazy it is.

    There is something severely wrong with about half of the American people. They’ve abandoned any capacity for critical thinking whatsoever and have made a god of this repugnant ass-clown. THAT should be the headline, “WTF is going on with half of the US”?

  11. Southern-Girl-56 on

    I hope he keeps talking. The more he talks the more people will go” no fucking way” and move on to the sane side.

  12. LeastImportantUser on

    Hopefully soon we will not have to hear from private citizen shitstain trump any longer. Please fade away for good.

  13. _ficklelilpickle on

    Says the guy with an actual social media app used to grift, and to spread countless lies and dog whistles?