OpenAI reportedly wants to build ‘five to seven’ 5 gigawatt data centers — ‘You’re talking about more than 1% of global electricity consumption for just those datacenters alone’


  1. Excerpts from [article]( by David Meyer:

    *[…] Bloomberg and the New York Times have provided more details about what OpenAI in particular is trying to get from the government: support in its quest to build data centers with power requirements of 5 gigawatts each.*

    *Five gigawatts is an astonishingly large amount of power. It’s the output of around five nuclear reactors—the kind of power you need for a whole major city like Miami.*

    *It’s as much as 100 times the requirements of a standard large data center. The Times reported that OpenAI’s 5GW proposal drew laughter from a Japanese official.*

    *Constellation Energy CEO Joe Dominguez told Bloomberg that he had heard Altman wanted five to seven such data centers.*

    *According to Alex De Vries, the founder of tech energy research company Digiconomist, seven 5GW units would have “twice the power consumption of New York State combined.”*

    *“It’s an extreme amount and, from a global electricity perspective, at that point you’re talking about more than 1% of global electricity consumption for just those datacenters alone,” he said. […]*

  2. Time to invest in solar panel companies then… cuz you better be powering all that with renewables, right!?

  3. Buy utility stocks, they have been going up as a response to all this AI demand for electricity.

  4. there shoud be some fucking law that if ypur business doesn t solve at least 1 problem more than it generates You gotta fuck right off

  5. ConfidentMongoose on

    Don’t forget, these are the same people who want you to use paper straws, eat meat or travel by plane… Because environment

  6. Build your own energy infra then, and make sure it doesn’t use any water or belch out CO2. If you can’t do that, what you’re asking for is subsidies to the tune of 30 nuclear power plants.

  7. All so some weirdo can make a post on here of a voice assistant moaning. I hate this reality.

  8. Dependent_Survey_546 on

    Thats perfectly fine if they do it somewhere that they can power it with solar panels or the like.

  9. Weren’t we supposed to have quantum or optical computing by now? I was promised technology that uses orders of magnitude less energy and space. Why are we allocating resources to building these mega centers instead?

  10. So all jokes and movie jokes aside – 1.51 gigawatts really is THAT much? Doc wasn’t exaggerating?

    And how much energy does of bolt of lightning really have?

  11. itmeimtheshillitsme on

    This will come to a head sooner than later, but if humans want to advance or continue developing AI into AGI we’ll need to solve this energy problem.

    The anti-science and anti-climate change numbskulls will hop right on board once they realize there is money in providing vast amounts of energy to support AI and other tech explanation. Suddenly “green” energy or moving past fossil fuels will be a-okay.

  12. Media should stop saying “OpenAI wants/says/does” and start saying “Altman and his friends”, as OpenAI employees are starting to get offended for being associated with specific messages and claims

  13. If I’m not mistaken America already has a few data centers that need more power then some countries

  14. Good, now that the super rich are starting to suffer an energy crisis maybe now it will finally be addressed.