‘Nasrallah, hit Tel Aviv’: Belgium protest calls on Hezbollah to attack Israel



  1. I wonder how it would’ve went if these were Russians and they were chanting “Putin, hit Kiev”.

    Somehow, “Nasrallah, hit Tel Aviv” is more acceptable.

  2. Thebananabender on

    In Arabic: “hit Tel Aviv, make so that every rock will be soaked in their blood in the name of Allah”

    In English: ”free Palestine”

  3. SuspiciousFishRunner on

    Samidoun is mostly just an international front for the PFLP, a terrorist organization that is actually banned all over the west. So this kind of rhetoric is not surprising.

  4. Belgian authorities appear powerless in dealing with the group.

    As a Belgian, I can confirm this is true.

    We’re literally a failed state.

  5. 92nd-Bakerstreet on

    And that’s why people shouldn’t give protests about things occuring in other countries any attention.

  6. Possible-Fee-5052 on

    Tel Avivian here. If by “hit” Tel Aviv he means he made me put on clothes really quickly, run to the bomb shelter, and stay there for 10 minutes, then yes. Otherwise, pretty sure it was intercepted off the coast.

  7. EatShitRedditAdmin on

    Gather them all and either jail them for a long time for backing a terrorist group or deport them to Lebanon to see how much they support their terrorist groups. Had enough of these cunts thinking they can openly show their twisted hatred of Jews just because they are succeeding in defending themselves from continuous Hezbollah attacks. Total scum that don’t belong in the West

  8. terrenceandphilip1 on

    Most of their fighters are horribly crippled and marked permanently due to that pager attack. Rest of the leadership will be dead in a few months along with their Hamas cohorts. Nasrallah can’t do much at this point. Effectively castrated. 

  9. Aethericseraphim on

    Heres a novel idea.

    If you are not a citizen of a country, and you protest in that country, that should legally open the door for your deportation, at the discretion of the authorities.

    Just a simply, quick and easy exit order for breaking the conditions of your visa. Nothing more.

  10. You know how in history lessons they teach us about WW2 and the holocaust, and if you’re moderately sane you think to yourself, ‘But how could the world let it happen?’

    Then this is how. When hatred for Jews is normalized and celebrated. When the voices calling for killing of Jews are heard loud and clear because silencing them would be “oppressive” and “Islamophobic”.

    This is exactly why the security of Israel is more important than ever.

  11. Oh, man, this brings back memories, well this is a recycling of the gulf war chant ‘ya Saddam, ya Habib, udrum udrum Tel Aviv’. Such a nostalgia moment.

  12. “Enemy of my enemy is my friend” does not apply when said “friend” also considers you an enemy.