I find it disappointing that there has been no media attention to celebrate / commemorate this important 200 year anniversary happening tomorrow 28/10/2024.
This history happened right here in the middle of our now busy populous.

Posted by GoodApple71


  1. Walkabout with Rob did a good video about this recently. 

    The actual dates are a bit vague. 

  2. Absolutely agree with you.

    However you feel, it’s a part of history and a reason the thriving city is here today.

  3. FullMetalAurochs on

    There’s a decent chance the centenary was celebrated. We’ve reached a point where we tend not to glorify our colonial history anymore.

  4. BarryCheckTheFuseBox on

    Because it would create a shitshow. You either say he discovered the area, which would cause complaints from thousands, or go to great lengths to explain how he actually didn’t discover land that had been lived on for thousands of years, which would lead to complaints from others.

  5. More likely should be a time of grief/mourning for the people whose genocide and colonisation began that day