The more vicious part of the society still tends to blame politicians and officials for all problems, while the more critical mind tries to overcome emotionalism based on nothing. However, Äripäev says quite seriously and calmly at the same time: the loss of every fifth job related to state administration would be possible if there was political will, and especially given the current state of state finances, it would also be appropriate and necessary.
As a telling fact, for example, the regular vacation of public officials is not equated with the 28 days per year valid in the private sector instead of the current 35 days even discuss taken. Instead, plans are being made to extend the public sector holiday by a week.
According to the calculations made by Äripäu’s paper corner, the layoff of every fifth civil servant’s job should save a few to three hundred million euros a year, not to mention that thousands of highly educated specialists would be freed up for the private sector, of which there is a shortage in Estonia.
Jah, iga viienda ametniku võiks tõesti koondada
byu/MrJrx0 inEesti
Posted by MrJrx0
Hehee, võiks jah. Aga tegelikult ei.
Kuna IT-s ja töötlevas tööstuses on hetkel madalseis, siis Eesti suuremad tööpakkujad – sh Rimi ja Selver – tervitaksid kindlasti uusi spetsialiste.
Iga kord kui ma kuulen mõne ministeeriumi köögipoolist ja mis seal toimub, paneb ahastama.
Paljudel on “las köis lohiseb” mentaliteet ja päris tööd tehakse vähe, rohkem täiskasvanute vabaajakeskus
Mida unustatakse mainida: ükski sektor ei taha pakkuda normaalset palka ega hüvesi, seetõttu ka riigisektoris on kogu tööjõud. Kui tööandjad pakuksid normaalseid töötingimusi, siis tulevad ka spetsialistid. Siinkohal ainuke, mida saab riigile pahaks panna, on see, et ka erasektorisse 35 päeva puhkust seadusega ei panta