Special counsel files evidence under seal against Trump in election subversion case



  1. 2_Spicy_2_Impeach on

    We still have to wait. Not sure if there’s a timeline or any indication of what might be released. PACER must have been running hot with everyone searching.

    >It will now be up to District Judge Tanya Chutkan to determine how much of that evidence the public gets to see and when they will be able to see it.

  2. Shit’s (finally) getting real. Keep Cheeto from being reelected so the law can finally feast.

  3. Doesn’t the DOJ have an obligation to American voters to reveal the details prior to the election? Yes, the timing is unfortunate for Trump, but these legal sequence of events can be unpredictable.

  4. Booo!!! Under seal evidence is as bad as secret laws! If you need to redact some of it as unrelated personal/medical info or some kind of secret or secure info, fine, but under seal is just nonsense, IMO!

  5. Is it possible that the country – and indeed the whole world – is about to be rescued from a Trump second presidency . . . at the 11th hour and 59th minute?

  6. > It is likely the filings will dig into Trump’s pressure campaign on Pence – conduct that the Supreme Court indicated might be covered under immunity.

    Call me naïve, but the president coercing the vice president to actively subvert the Constitution is not an official act.

  7. The Jack Smith vs Donald Trump movie that will inevitably come out of this is going to be absolutely amazing regardless of the outcome.

  8. We just need the NY FBI office to say they are going to leak it and then the head of the FBI will have to show it to Congress.

    Isn’t that how it works James Comey?

  9. Trump pardons himself of all charges if elected. Plenty charges coming plus his 34 fraud felony convictions. My bet, Trump loses, goes to jail or pleads insanity. Your bet?

  10. It will be so cathartic for me and a huge portion of the country if Cheetolini loses massively in November and then goes to jail shortly after. It’s what he deserves and what the country needs. Can’t wait to see droves of morons pretend that they never *really* supported him.