The way Sky News is trying to spin (discredit) the Woolies ‘protestor’


  1. What does pro-Palestine even mean there? You can just call it pro-peace or pro-ceasefire and it’s not as controversial all of a sudden

  2. What relevance does their stance on middle eastern conflict have to price gouging by the asutralian supermarket duopoly? None. Classic Spynews bait.

    Edit: also find it interesting that the price gouging is alleged but the pro-palestine activism label isn’t?

  3. Primary_Mycologist95 on

    being labeled pro-israel doesn’t exactly paint one with rainbows and teddy bears either…

  4. itsonlyanobservation on

    Colesworths has been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Now, they’ll try anything to distract us from the fact they are thieves. Trading on lies won’t help them in any way

  5. Isn’t Sky News part of the same media empire that’s encouraged hacking a murdered girl’s phone and deleting the messages while interfering with a police investigation? I recall Murdoch saying he didn’t care about people, just money…

  6. Fucking hell. I’m having a great day. Spent the morning cooking and cleaning. Stopping off for quick lunch RN with the kids and I’m bring some meat from my butcher (along with a few meals) to my parents’ house. I know they’ll bring this up.