Libraries will only exist for as long as we borrow from them. Consider it your civic duty


  1. >As an author, I often have readers apologise to me when they divulge that they borrowed my book from a library. That’s when I tell them about the lending rights scheme, a federal government initiative that pays Australian authors and illustrators a commission every time their book is borrowed.
    >So if you’re a book borrower, don’t feel guilty. You’re tangibly supporting authors with every loan. And you’re supporting your community by using and bolstering a safe and accessible public space.

  2. I use them a lot and they’re my first option for books. Haven’t bought a book in years.

  3. Efficient-Draw-4212 on

    You know. I spent years never visiting a council library. But now we have little ones, we will be there at least once a month. Getting out a pile of books, playing in the kids area. They have story time and holiday events etc. we have also started to get books for ourselves.

    Join and support your local library, they are great!

  4. Automatic-Prompt-450 on

    I’ve recently gotten back into borrowing so my toddler has new books to read. I’ll still go to book stores for series or authors I want to have at home, but I’ll be using the library for myself in the future for finding new authors

  5. deadrobindownunder on

    This is probably the most important post that has been made in this sub in at least the last year.

    May I ask, do digital loans still count? Or do I need get it together and borrow some physical books to keep this resource going?

  6. I go to the library every couple of weeks and we borrow a stack of books. Depending on the size I have an agreement with my child they get 20 cents to $1 per book they read. They think they are making easy money but I’m happy to forgo a few dollars a week for them to be well read.

  7. My library cards also includes things like digital subscriptions to various magazines, the New York Times games that are pretty popular (Wordle and Connections and the like), the streaming service Kanopy which has lots of documentaries and international movies, and even a streaming service for opera and ballet performances which was pretty cool to check out! There’s a lot on offer