X blocks links to hacked JD Vance dossier



  1. I see what you did there Verge. Create the story and put a massive image of the link in the ‘not found’ message from X, Links to this story now give the direct link to the content X is trying to block.

  2. I went on twitter and posted a link purporting to direct to these files but actually linking to an article on Hunter Biden’s laptop. Let’s see what happens next!

  3. Future generations will never understand why Trump ever picked this guy because I don’t even think we understand it now.

  4. Gotta love the free speech absolutist. I uploaded the PDF into google’s new feature that makes an AI podcast based on the files you give it, should be a fun listen.

  5. Remember when they claimed Twitter not advertising hunters laptop was the biggest 1st amendment violation ever?

  6. >It is unclear why X is blocking Klippenstein’s story

    I know The Verge can’t say this as a news outlet, but it’s really, really not. Musk is a hypocrite, and a right wing hack doing everything he possibly can to try and get Trump elected. Like the article points out he was TOTALLY OKAY WITH IT when it was Hunter Biden or “the Twitter Files”, but now that it’s Trump’s running mate…

  7. So… this is all that’s in the Iranian hack?

    “Vance has been one of the chief obstructionists to U.S. efforts to providing [sic] assistance to Ukraine.”

    “Vance criticized public health experts and elected officials for supporting Black Lives Matter protests while condemning anti-lockdown [Covid] protests.”
    “Vance ‘embraced non-interventionism.’”

    “In 2020, Vance criticized President Trump’s airstrike killing Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, worrying it would continue to bog down America in the Middle East to the advantage of China. Vance suggested that the country had been entangled in wars in the Middle East so ‘financial elites’ could profit from the rise of China.”

    What about this screams shit we didn’t already know?

  8. Leon paid $44 billion for his own unfettered “free” speech and uses it to stifle any opinion he disagrees with.

  9. Space_Sweetness on

    Can anybody explain like the 3 most important points of the JD Vance dossier for me and all lazy fucks out there

  10. If you’re still unaware that “X” is, and was always going to be, Elon’s personal propaganda machine, then that is on you. Douche-turd’s idea of free speech is the freedom to amplify your own opinions and silence those you don’t like.

  11. HippieDogeSmokes on

    I don’t get why this is a big deal, it’s all stuff that’s he’s basically running on from what I can tell