If you commit a crime In Office, you should not be in office. It should not be that hard.

Posted by timtexas


  1. He is innocent.

    It was a weaponization of the judicial system against a political opponent. The goal shifted and changed legal definitions to attain the 43 indictments.

    They were misdemeanors elevated to felonies and most other politicians have done some version of the same.

    But if you’re not interested in truth only propaganda please leave your downvote and move on.

  2. The hypocrisy is astounding honestly. Democrats will call their members out. Republicans back theirs.

  3. the problem in their mindset he did not broke the law since he is above the law because he can do no wrong.

    and there is a word for that


  4. It’s really not complicated. There are hundreds of millions of Americans. It is not difficult to find people without felonies to be in office, especially in the White House.

  5. I mean, Adams was sort of a D.I.N.O anyways, but I was making this point today too. The “Both Parties Are the Same!” crowd are oddly silent.

  6. Significant-Crew-768 on

    Idk, I mean I’m definitely voting blue but if Kamala was indicted tomorrow would we actually be calling for her to pull out/resign?

  7. Would you feel the same way if Trump wins and Biden is brought up on charges by every Red controlled state and govt agency? No, you’d probably dismiss that as an entirely political prosecution.

    It’s very easy to dismiss the prosecutions of Trump as being politically motivated and baseless because *they are politically motivated* even though there is validity to the accusations.

  8. They knew he was a crooked cop when they elected him. Everyone knew it.

    I wonder if any republicans voted for him…

  9. innocent until proven guilty.

    If the public doesn’t want their representative to be distracted with a court proceeding or if they believe they’re guilty, then fine… vote however you want.

  10. zettairyouikisan on

    Republicans are facetious cheaters that have zero interest in communication or compromise because they see politics as a must-win game.

  11. mypoliticalvoice on

    I just don’t understand evangelical love for Trump. He admits committing crimes because he is *proud* of it. He really doesn’t understand why law and morals apply to his entitled diapered ass.