Former Sony head responds to those complaining about Ghost of Yotei’s female protagonist: “If you don’t like it, don’t buy it”


  1. Mysterious_Fennel459 on

    That’s the most sound advice anyone has ever given about a game. Too bad all the #gamers(tm) are going to wear their fingers to the bone furiously typing about why games should appeal to specifically them all the time every time.

  2. Earthpig_Johnson on

    I don’t know how someone could play through the first game, which has at least two badass lady characters, and then hold their nose up to playing as one in the next game.

  3. EnoughDatabase5382 on

    Layden is missing the point. Anti-SJW folks aren’t going to buy the game anyway; they’re just looking for an excuse to complain about SJW on social media. So, telling them they don’t have to buy it is a moot point.

  4. lookslikeyoureSOL on

    Nobody remembers Ayame from the Tenchu games with the dual wakizashis? She was fucking insanely badass. Im definitely playing this.

  5. Ambitious_Dig_7109 on

    These losers are picking the wrong battle. Sucker Punch doesn’t miss and GoY is going to be 🔥🔥🔥. They’ll look as dumb as when they thought the Barbie movie was going to flop. Knee jerk culture warriors keep holding L’s lol.

  6. poo_poo_platter83 on

    I see more posts and articles talking about people complaining about the female lead, and almost no-one actually complaining.

    I feel like companies use comments like this as a marketing tactic at this point

  7. I take issue with some of the stances taken by the voice actor, chiefly blanket statements about all LEO being white supremacists, but I can separate the art from the artist. 

    Blanket statements suck. But that’s neither here or there – I enjoy gaming. And this game looks great 🙂 

    Can’t wait to play it !

  8. Minialpacadoodle on

    Nerds gonna have to choose between a black man or an Asian woman. I can’t wait for the tears.

  9. I’m hyped for the game. Because of the creative talents and game designers behind it. They have proven themselves with the first game and t
    if this is the path they wish to take then I’m all for it. Even if the lead actress behind the protagonist is controversial.

  10. Really fucking hare modern gamer® culture, they shluld never stop bullyng those losers knstead of creating spaces for them to thrive…

  11. I’m so curious how many of these sexist idiots actually care, or if they just like complaining to see if they can get their way.

  12. PandaCheese2016 on

    Nah. Everyone knows if you don’t like something you must start an online crusade with likeminded ppl so that eventually you could sell merch about how much you don’t like the thing.

  13. “If you don’t like it, don’t buy it.”

    That’s a statement that’s never ended poorly for a content production company.

    No company has ever folded after telling its customers to stop buying their product.

  14. I thought the idiots who hated women protagonist hated them because they didn’t meet their level of sexy female protagonist.

    Turns out that facade fades real fucking quick and they just hate playing as women characters

  15. SectorEducational460 on

    Honestly if it’s on PC. I will probably buy it. Game looks good and I don’t really care about muh gender wars people are waging

  16. I am buying definitely but I think for some its not that she is female but allegations or something of her saying defund police and all police are white supremacists or whatever. She is just the voice though its not literally her in the game ya lol