Pivetti was granted mitigating circumstances, although the prosecutor Giovanni Tarzia had proposed that they could not be granted to “a person who had the opportunity to get to know the State Institutions from the inside, who held the third highest office in the State, who is the beneficiary of a life annuity supported by taxes paid by citizens, and from whom it is therefore legitimate to expect particular sensitivity with respect to tax law obligations”
International rogatory letters in 10 countries convinced the panel chaired by Angela Scalise of the existence, against Pivetti, of subjectively simulated operations in 2016 in having first purchased for 1.2 million euros a racing car team (three custom-built cars, a tractor-trailer, the website, the logo with a Ferrari prancing horse, historic spare parts) belonging to two companies of the former driver Leonardo Isolani and his wife Manuela Mascoli, and then resold it for 10 million to the Chinese company More & More Investment of the Daohe group. But for the prosecutor none of the assets at the center of the contracts, except the brand with the prancing horse logo, were actually transferred to Pivetti and then to the Chinese buyer, the website did not exist, the cars remained at the disposal of the Isolani spouses in Tenerife in Spain, and the tractor-trailer was seized
This Milanese is not the only trial underway against Pivetti in her role as an entrepreneur: last June, in fact, in Busto Arsizio, the prosecutor Ciro Caramore asked and obtained from judge Anna Giorgetti to send Pivetti to trial for fraud in public supplies on the purchase and sale from China of masks for 35 million during the Covid pandemic.
Posted by giuliomagnifico
>Pivetti: «Ho pagato tutte le tasse, mi sento perseguitata dalla giustizia»
>«Era prevedibile, il tema era fare passare la Pivetti come un evasore fiscale – commenta a caldo l’ex presidente della Camera -, ma questo non è vero: si è trattato di una normale, per quanto fortunata negli esiti positivi, transazione commerciale per la quale ho pagato tutte le tasse. Se mi sento una perseguitata dalla giustizia? Sì, ma non sono qui a fare la vittima, il problema non è mio ma di tutti i cittadini e il problema è che il sistema ogni tanto ha bisogno di prendere qualcuno come bersaglio, meglio se una persona con una visibilità».
Ma se c’era il solito complotto contro di lei, possibile che pm, gip, gup e giudici fossero tutti d’accordo per prendersela con lei? Mi pare statisticamente impossibile, e poi capitano sempre e solo ai politici queste “persecuzioni”… bah.
Ma lasciatela stare poverina, ha pagato tutte le tasse!