1 Comment

  1. ArtisticTraffic5970 on

    As long as you don’t smoke weed, or do anything else that prohibits dreaming, lucid dreaming is easy and anyone can do it.

    During your waking hours, simply get into the habit of doing a reality check. Yes, just like in the movie “Inception”. Though it’s a lot more simple.

    There’s many different ways you can do it, but seeing as hands *never* work like they’re supposed to in dreams, your hands are the simplest way to achieve this. So, to perform a reality check, simply look at your hand, and ask yourself “am I dreaming?”. Do it a couple of times a day, make it a habit. As it turns to habit, you’ll automatically start doing this when you’re dreaming too.

    Done your check, and find you have an extra finger, or have holes growing in your hands? Congratulations, don’t panic, you’re dreaming. With that realization, you’ll come awake inside of your dream, and you’ll be lucid dreaming, effectively a god within your own dream.

    It bears mention that holding on to your lucidity in the dream takes practice. At first, it will be fleeting, as you forget that you are in fact dreaming, and the dream turns back into a regular dream. But with practice, you can hold on to your lucidity for hours at a time.

    Want to fly? Well have at it. Lost your legs? Take a walk on the beach. Run at the speed of sound. Everyone can do it.